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; (2015) Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2014. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (Supplement): 1-7.
; ; (2015) When nature frowns: A comprehensive impact assessment of the 2012 Babessi floods on people’s livelihoods in rural Cameroon. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 7 (1)
; (2015) Impact of regional diversity on production potential: an example of Russia. Studies in Agricultural Economics 117 (2): 72-79.
; ; ; ; (2015) Consumer perception of organic food in emerging markets: evidence from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Agribusiness: An International Journal 31 (3): 414-432.
; ; (2015) Acceptance and willingness to pay for health-enhancing bakery products - Empirical evidence for young urban Russian consumers. Food Quality and Preference 46: 79-91.
; ; ; ; (2015) Economic Growth and Nutrition Transition: An Empirical Analysis Comparing Demand Elasticities For Foods in China and Russia. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14 (6): 1008–1022.
; ; ; (2015) Economic growth and the demand for dietary quality: Evidence from Russia during transition. Economics & Human Biology 19: 184-203.
; ; ; (2015) Scale efficiency in European pork production. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics 18 (2): 51-56.
; ; ; (2015) Comparison of technology and technical efficiency in cereal production among EU countries. Agris on-line Papers in Economics & Informatics 7 (2): 27-37.
; ; (2015) Market power in the European dairy industry. Agris on-line Papers in Economics & Informatics 7 (4): 39-47.
; ; (2015) Consumers' perceptions of functional foods: Trust and food-neophobia in a cross-cultural context. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39 (6): 708-715.
; ; (2015) The political economy of decentralization inThailand: how past and present decentralization affects rural actors' participation. European Journal of Development Research 27 (5): 793-810.
; (2015) On Investment Consumption Modeling with Jump Process Extensions for Productive Sectors. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 167 (3): 949-958.
; ; ; ; ; (2015) Mapping farmland abandonment and recultivation across Europe using MODIS NDVI time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 163: 312–325.
; ; (2015) Price discrimination and pricing-to-market behavior of Black Sea region wheat exporters. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 47 (3): 287-316.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2015) Exploring long-term trends in land use change and aboveground Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in nine European countries. Land Use Policy (47): 426-438.
; ; ; (2015) The Rouble Crisis and Russian Wheat Export Controls. Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy 50 (4): 227-233.
; ; (2015) Dairy cooperatives at the crossroads. British Food Journal 117 (10): 2515-2531.