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; ; ; (2020) Unhealthy consumption behaviors and their intergenerational persistence: The role of education. China Economic Review 62
; ; ; ; (2020) Harnessing big data for a multifunctional theory of the firm. European Management Journal 38 (1): 54-61.
; ; (2020) Dissecting the empirical-normative divide in business ethics: The contribution of systems theory. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 11 (4): 679-694.
; ; ; (2020) CSR beyond Economy and Society. A post-capitalist approach. Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3): 411-423.
; (2020) The socio-economic assessment to evaluate the potentiality of developing the rural community in Upper Egypt. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 8 (2): 143-165.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Sustainable farmers, deficient State? Self-reported agricultural sustainability in the Argentine Chaco region. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 18 (6): 473-491.
; ; ; (2020) Public and community conservation of biodiversity - rivalry or cooperation? GeoScape 14 (1): 36-46.
; ; ; (2020) Does dietary diversity reduce the risk of obesity?: Empirical evidence from rural school children in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21)
; ; ; (2020) Board gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from the Russian agri-food industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 23 (1): 35-53.
; ; (2020) The ‘protective function’ of social enterprises: Understanding the renewal of multiple sets of motivations. Review of Social Economy 78 (3): 373-410.
; ; ; ; (2020) Framing the search for a theory of land use. Journal of Land Use Science 15 (4): 489-508.
; ; (2020) On complexity and transparency: The limits of taxonomic ordering. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (1): 174-177.
; ; ; ; (2020) Capitalization of land development rights in rural China : A choice experiment on individuals’ preferences in peri-urban Shanghai. Land Use Policy 97
; ; (2020) Options for agricultural service cooperatives in a postsocialist economy: Evidence from Romania. Outlook on Agriculture 49 (1): 57-65.
; ; ; (2020) Quantifying the soil erosion legacy of the Soviet Union. Agricultural Systems 185