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(2024) Climate change and mobility in Central Asia. In: Triandafyllidou, A. (ed.): Handbook of Migration and Globalisation, 2nd ed. (Handbooks on Globalisation), 353-367: Edward Elgar Publishing.
; ; ; ; (2024) Unraveling the complexity of land use change and path dependency in agri-environmental schemes for small farmers: A serious game approach. Land Use Policy 139
; (2024) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz: Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. South East Europe Review (SEER): Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 26 (2): 227-248.
(2024) Politische, gesellschaftliche und ökologische Herausforderungen für die Nutztierhaltung. In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology (Band 33), 172: DLG-Verlag.
; ; ; (2024) The effect of income distribution on diet-related environmental footprints: Evidence from urban China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 68 (2): 483-502.
; ; ; (2024) The impact of internet access on household dietary quality: Evidence from rural China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23 (2): 374-383.