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Vladislav Valentinov

Prof. Dr. Vladislav Valentinov

Prof. Dr. Vladislav Valentinov

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; (2024) Trade-offs in stakeholder theory: An ordonomic perspective. Social Responsibility Journal 20 (5): 975-997.

; ; ; (2024) Green public procurement in the most visited European museums: A comparison and a mapping. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11

; ; ; ; ; (2024) Cross-sectoral collaboration in times of crisis: Comparing the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. Public Administration

; ; ; (2024) Willing unwillingness. A Luhmannian perspective on followership and leadership in organizations. Systems Research and Behavioral Science

; ; ; ; (2024) Stakeholder governance to facilitate collaboration for a systemic circular economy transition: A qualitative study in the European chemicals and plastics industry. Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (3): 2173-2192.

; ; ; (2024) The circular economy rebound effect: Reconceptualizing rebound approaches and mitigation opportunities from an ordonomic perspective. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28 (3): 374-385.

; ; (2024) Looking behind the continuum: An institutional economics perspective on Schilke and Lumineau’s “How organizational is interorganizational trust?”. Academy of Management Review

; (2024) Stakeholder theory: Exploring systems-theoretic and process-philosophic connections. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 41 (2): 301-315.

; (2024) Moral and managerial perspectives on cooperatives: Towards a Luhmannian reconciliation. Systems Research and Behavioral Science

; ; (2024) Contract farming in transitional economies: A stakeholder theory perspective. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 27 (4): 633-649.

; (2024) Relationality in transaction cost economics and stakeholder theory: A new conceptual framework. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 33 (3): 535-546.

; (2024) The idea of adaptation in transaction cost economics: An application to stakeholder theory. Society and Business Review 19 (3): 473-495.

(2024) Three problems of business addressed by stakeholder theory: Insights from the institutional economics of John R. Commons. Journal of Business Ethics

; ; ; (2023) Village funds and poverty reduction in Indonesia: New policy insight. Discover Global Society 1

; ; ; (2023) Human-made disaster in a decentralized context: How Czech municipalities are dealing with the Ukrainian crisis. Public Money & Management 43 (4): 367-369.

; (2023) Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension. Sociology of Health & Illness 45 (2): 331-345.

; (2023) Toward a theory of multifunctional liberalism: Systems-theoretical reflections on the nature of statehood. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 40 (6): 945-954.

; ; ; (2023) Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy. European Management Journal 41 (2): 191-198.

; ; (2023) Toward a digital transformation of the theory of the firm: Emergence as framework for organizational sustainability. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 40 (3): 270-282.

(2023) Stakeholder theory: Toward a classical institutional economics perspective. Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1): 75-88.

(2023) Sustainability and stakeholder theory: A processual perspective. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 52 (13): 61-77.

; (2022) Cooperative governance under increasing member diversity: Towards a new theoretical framework. Scandinavian Journal of Management 38 (1)

; ; ; ; ; (2022) The evolving perceptions of corruption in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. Governance : An International Journal of Policy and Administration and Institutions 35 (2): 651-659.

; ; ; ; ; (2022) Gender heterogeneity and politics in decision-making about green public procurement in the Czech Republic. Politics and Governance 10 (3): 239-250.

(2022) System or process? A meta-theoretical reflection on the nature of the firm. Systemic Practice and Action Research 35 (1): 1–14.

(2022) Stakeholder theory and the knowledge problem: A Hayekian perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 (2): 536-545.

; (2022) Stakeholder theory: A process-ontological perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 (3): 762-776.

; (2022) Chester Barnard’s theory of the firm: An institutionalist view. Journal of Economic Issues 56 (3): 707-720.

; ; (2022) Adaptive governance: Learning from what organizations do and managing the role they play. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 51 (5): 1738-1758.

; ; ; ; (2022) Material dependencies: Hidden underpinnings of sustainability transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (3): 281-296.

; ; ; ; (2022) How can we govern if we don’t see our feet? Speaking of the matter of sustainability transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (3): 277-280.

; ; (2021) Food safety and value chain coordination in the context of a transition economy: The role of agricultural cooperatives. International Journal of the Commons 15 (1): 21-34.

; ; (2021) The ethics of corporate hypocrisy: An experimental approach. Futures 131

; ; ; ; ; (2021) The hybridity of waste management: An in-depth exploratory case study from the Znojmo municipality. Waste Management 126: 433-442.

; ; ; ; ; (2021) Stewardship and administrative capacity in green public procurement in the Czech Republic: Evidence from a large-N survey. Environmental Sciences Europe 33

; ; (2021) Social goals in the theory of the firm: A systems theory view. Administration and Society 53 (2): 273-304.

; (2021) Integrating instrumental and normative stakeholder theories: A systems theory approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management 34 (4): 699-712.

; (2021) A conception of moral wayfinding for business managers: The obligation for a sustainable corporation. Journal of Cleaner Production 284

(2021) Corporate social responsibility and the nonprofit sector: Exploring the common ground. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 50 (9): 2651-2667.

(2021) Sustainability in classical institutional economics: A systems theory view. Sustainable Production and Consumption 28: 1500-1507.

; (2021) Chester Barnard’s systems-theoretic approach to organisation theory: A reconstruction. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 28 (5): 733-752.

; (2021) Social capital in cooperatives: An evolutionary Luhmannian perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 31 (4): 1317–1331.

; ; ; (2020) Agrarian vision, industrial vision, and rent-seeking: A viewpoint. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 33 (3-6): 391–400.

; ; ; ; (2020) Harnessing big data for a multifunctional theory of the firm. European Management Journal 38 (1): 54-61.

; ; (2020) Dissecting the empirical-normative divide in business ethics: The contribution of systems theory. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 11 (4): 679-694.

; (2020) East of nature. Accounting for the environments of social sciences. Ecological Economics 176

; ; ; (2020) CSR beyond Economy and Society. A post-capitalist approach. Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3): 411-423.

; ; ; (2020) Public and community conservation of biodiversity - rivalry or cooperation? GeoScape 14 (1): 36-46.

; ; (2020) The ‘protective function’ of social enterprises: Understanding the renewal of multiple sets of motivations. Review of Social Economy 78 (3): 373-410.

; ; (2020) On complexity and transparency: The limits of taxonomic ordering. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (1): 174-177.

; ; ; (2020) The effect of cooperative membership on agricultural technology adoption in Sichuan, China. China Economic Review 62

; (2019) The moral complexity of agriculture: a challenge for corporate social responsibility. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 32 (3): 413-430.

; (2019) Agroholdings, turbulence, and resilience: The case of Ukraine. Journal of East European Management Studies 24 (3): 484-496.

; (2019) CSR as hypocrisy avoidance: A conceptual framework. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 10 (1): 2-25.

; ; ; ; (2019) Big data insights into social macro trends (1800-2000): A replication study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 149

(2019) The ethics of functional differentiation: Reclaiming morality in Niklas Luhmann's systems theory. Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1): 105-114.

; (2019) The supply and demand of social systems: Toward a systems theory of the firm. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 48 (3): 570-585.

; ; (2019) Stakeholder theory: A Luhmannian perspective. Administration and Society 51 (5): 826-849.

; ; ; (2019) The anti-GMO advocacy: an institutionalist and systems-theoretic assessment. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 48 (5): 888-905.

; ; (2019) The limits of transparency: A systems theory view. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 36 (3): 289-300.

; ; (2019) Ludwig von Bertalanffy and his enduring relevance: Celebrating 50 years General System Theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 36 (3): 251-254.

; ; ; (2019) The social, the ecological, and the adaptive. Von Bertalanffy's general systems theory and the adaptive governance of social‐ecological systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 36 (3): 308-321.

; ; (2018) The corporate social responsibility of Ukrainian agroholdings: the stakeholder approach revisited. Systemic Practice and Action Research 31 (6): 675-698.

; (2018) Member heterogeneity in agricultural cooperatives: a systems-theoretic perspective. Sustainability 10 (4): 1-22.

; (2018) Cooperative Longevity: Why Are So Many Cooperatives So Successful? Sustainability 10 (10): 1-8.

; ; ; ; (2018) Was that capitalism? A future-oriented big data analysis of the English language area in the 19th and 20th century. Futures 98: 41-48.

; ; ; (2018) Multifunctional organisation models: A systems-theoretical framework for new venture discovery and creation. Journal of Organizational Change Management 31 (7): 1383-1400.

; (2018) From complexity reduction to moral character: a Deweyian reading of Luhmann’s social systems theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 35 (6): 632-644.

; ; (2018) From nonprofit diversity to organizational multifunctionality: a systems-theoretic proposal. Administration and Society 50 (7): 1015-1036.

; (2017) Agency Costs and Organizational Architecture of Large Corporate Farms: Evidence from Brazil. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (2): 201-219.

; ; ; (2017) The Paradox of Water Management Projects in Central Asia: An Institutionalist Perspective. Water 9 (4)

; (2017) Member preference heterogeneity and system-lifeworld dichotomy in cooperatives: An exploratory case study. Journal of Organizational Change Management 30 (7): 1063-1080.

; (2017) The neglect of society in the theory of the firm: a systems theory perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics 41 (4): 1061-1085.

; ; (2017) Rethinking nonprofit commercialization: the case of the Czech Republic. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 28 (5): 2103-2123.

(2017) The Rawlsian critique of utilitarianism: a Luhmannian interpretation. Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1): 22-35.

(2017) Wiener and Luhmann on feedback: from complexity to sustainability. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 46 (3): 433-449.

(2017) Materiality in natural resource management: a systems theory view. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 19 (3): 323-326.

; ; (2017) The nonprofit response to the migration crisis: systems-theoretic reflections on the Austrian and Slovak experiences. Systemic Practice and Action Research 30 (6): 651–661.

(2017) Marrying functional differentiation and institutional economics: Reflections on Steffen Roth's article. Journal of Economic Issues 51 (4): 1047-1053.

; (2017) A Limit to Our Thinking and Some Unanticipated Moral Consequences: A Science of Conceptual Systems Perspective with Some Potential Solutions. Systemic Practice and Action Research 30 (2): 103–116.

; (2017) What is sustainable theory? A Luhmannian perspective on the science of conceptual systems. Foundations of Science 22 (4): 733–747.

; ; ; (2016) The Rise of the Food Risk Society and the Changing Nature of the Technological Treadmill. Sustainability 8 (6): 584.

; ; (2016) Water governance in Central Asia: A Luhmannian perspective. Society & Natural Resources 29 (7): 822-835.

; ; ; (2016) Rationalizing the GMO Debate: The Ordonomic Approach to Addressing Agricultural Myths. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (5)

; ; (2016) The theories of non-profits: A reality check from Slovakia. Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government 14 (3): 399-418.

; (2016) Institutional economics and social dilemmas: a systems theory perspective. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 33 (1): 138-149.

; (2016) Institutional Economics, Social Dilemmas, and the Complexity-Sustainability Trade-off. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 33 (3): 488-491.

; ; (2016) Emergence: a systems theory's challenge to ethics. Systemic Practice and Action Research 29 (6): 597-610.

; (2016) The imperviance of conceptual systems: cognitive and moral aspects. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 45 (9)

(2015) From equilibrium to autopoiesis: a Luhmannian reading of Veblenian evolutionary economics. Economic Systems 39 (1): 143-155.

(2015) Kenneth Boulding's theories of evolutionary economics and organizational change: a reconstruction. Journal of Economic Issues 49 (1): 71-88.

; (2015) Sustainability of rural nonprofit organizations: Czech Republic and beyond. Sustainability 7 (8): 9890-9906.

; ; (2015) Nonprofit organizations, institutional economics, and systems thinking. Economic Systems 39 (3): 491-501.

(2015) Value devolution in social enterprises: institutional economics and systems theory perspectives. Administration and Society 47 (9): 1126-1133.

(2015) Demand, supply, and sustainability: reflections on Kenneth Boulding’s evolutionary economics. Society & Natural Resources 28 (11): 1216-1232.

(2014) The complexity-sustainability trade-off in Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 31 (1): 14-22.

(2014) K. William Kapp's theory of social costs: a Luhmannian interpretation. Ecological Economics 97 (1): 28-33.

; (2014) Transaction costs, social costs, and open systems: some common threads. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 31 (2): 316-326.

; (2014) The nonprofit catallaxy: An Austrian economics perspective on the nonprofit sector. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 25 (1): 138-149.

; ; ; (2013) Government-third sector relations in European rural development: a critical perspective. Nonprofit Policy Forum 4 (1): 65-80.

; ; (2013) Agricultural cooperatives. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity 2 (1): 23-36.

; (2013) Economic Theories of Nonprofits and Agricultural Cooperatives Compared: New Perspectives for Nonprofit Scholars. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42 (1): 109-126.

(2013) Veblen and instrumental value: a systems theory perspective. Journal of Economic Issues 47 (3): 673-688.

; ; (2013) The meaning of nonprofit advocacy: an ordonomic perspective. Social Science Journal 50 (3): 367-373.

(2013) Corporate social responsibility and sustainability: insights from Boulding and Luhmann. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 20 (4): 317-324.

; ; (2012) How to Foster Social Progress: An Ordonomic Perspective on Progressive Institutional Change. Journal of Economic Issues 46 (3): 779-797.

; (2012) Opportunism in agricultural cooperatives: the case of Greece. Outlook on Agriculture 41 (1): 15-19.

; (2012) The commercialization of the nonprofit sector: a general systems theory perspective. Systemic Practice and Action Research 25 (4): 365-370.

(2012) Toward a holistic nonprofit economics: insights from institutionalism and systems theory. Journal of Bioeconomics 14 (1): 77-89.

(2012) Understanding the rural third sector: insights from Veblen and Bogdanov. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 41 (1/2): 177-188.

(2012) The institutionalist implications of the general systems theory: the societal role of the market. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 29 (3): 253-262.

(2012) Toward a critical systems perspective on the nonprofit sector. Systemic Practice and Action Research 25 (4): 355-364.

(2012) The economics of the nonprofit sector: insights from the institutionalism of John R. Commons. Social Science Journal 49 (4): 545-553.

(2012) System-environment relations in the theories of open and autopoietic systems: implications for critical systems thinking. Systemic Practice and Action Research 25 (6): 537-542.

; (2012) Property rights problems of agricultural cooperatives: a heterodox institutionalist perspective. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (3): 139-147.

; (2011) The meaning of nonprofit mission breadth: a constitutional economics perspective. Social Science Journal 48 (1): 29-38.

(2011) The institutional theory of Radhamakal Mukerjee: lessons for modern nonprofit economics. Journal of Economic Issues 45 (3): 605-620.

(2011) The meaning of nonprofit organization: insights from classical institutionalism. Journal of Economic Issues 45 (4): 901-915.

(2011) Third sector organizations in rural development: reply. Agricultural and Food Science 20 (1): 117-118.

(2011) Accountability and the public interest in the nonprofit sector: a conceptual framework. Financial Accountability and Management 27 (1): 32-42.

; ; (2010) Nonprofit extension in rural Cameroon: A study of demand and supply determinants. International Journal of Social Economics 37 (5): 391-399.

(2010) The institutionalist legacy of the Gemeinwirtschaftslehre. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 33 (1): 44-53.

; (2010) Toward a Transaction Cost Economics of Rural Development. Local Economy 25 (1): 24-31.

; (2009) Rol' vertykal'noї koordynaciї u zbalansuvanni mižgaluzevych vidnosyn v APK. Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky 10 (9): 250-259.

; (2009) Toward an economics of the rural third sector. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance, and Ecology 8 (5-6): 439-456.

(2009) Managerial nonpecuniary preferences in the market failure theories of nonprofit organization. International Journal of Social Economics 36 (1-2): 81-92.

; (2009) Economics of rural governance: a property rights perspective. Outlook on Agriculture 38 (3): 243-248.

(2009) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. Agricultural and Food Science 18 (1): 3-15.

(2009) The German Gemeinwirtschaftslehre: implications for modern nonprofit economics. Regulation and Governance 3 (2): 186-195.

(2009) Mapping the third sector in John R. Commons’ typology of transactions. Journal of Economic Issues 43 (4): 917-930.

(2008) The economics of nonprofit organization: in search of an integrative theory. Journal of Economic Issues 42 (3): 745-761.

(2008) Nonmarket institutions in economic development: the role of the third sector. Development and Change 39 (3): 477-485.

(2008) The transaction cost theory of the nonprofit firm: beyond opportunism. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 37 (1): 5-18.

(2008) The exchange paradigm of constitutional economics: implications for understanding the third sector. Constitutional Political Economy 19 (1): 19-33.

(2008) The economics of the nondistribution constraint: a critical reappraisal. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 79 (1): 35-52.

(2008) On the origin of rules: between exchange and self-sufficiency. Social Science Journal 45 (2): 345-351.

(2008) Toward an incentive alignment theory of nonprofit organization. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 5 (1): 189-196.

; (2008) The institutional economics of rural development: beyond market failure. Journal of Central European Agriculture 9 (3): 457-462.

; ; (2007) The Investment behaviour of Russian farms. Post-Communist Economies 19 (1): 53-71.

(2007) Some reflections on the transaction costs theory of nonprofit organization. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 30 (1): 52-67.

(2007) Faktori viniknennja neekivalentnosti mizgaluzevich vidnosin v APK [The determinants of intersectual disparity in the agrifood sector]. Ekonomika APK (2): 19-22.

(2007) Why are cooperatives important in agriculture? An organizational economics perspective. Journal of Institutional Economics 3 (1): 55-69.

(2007) The property rights approach to nonprofit organization: the role of intrinsic motivation. Public Organization Review 7 (1): 41-55.

; (2007) Are cooperatives hybrid organizations? An alternative viewpoint. Journal of Rural Co-operation 35 (2): 141-155.

(2006) Nondistribution constraint and managerial discretion: disentangling the relationship. Public Organization Review 6 (4): 305-316.

(2006) Nonprofit organization and the division of labor: a theoretical perspective. Atlantic Economic Journal 34 (4): 435-447.

; (2006) Toward an institutional analysis of farm income stabilization. Acta oeconomica et informatica 9 (2): 50-57.

(2006) Toward an Economic Interpretation of the Nondistribution Constraint. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law 9 (1): 60-71.

(2006) The logic of the nonprofit sector: an organisational economics perspective. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 29 (2): 214-226.

(2006) Rural partnership as a governance mechanism: towards an organizational economic perspective on rural governance. Journal of Rural Development (Seoul) 28: 159-183.

(2005) Social capital and organisational performance: a theoretical perspective. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition 8: 23-33.

(2005) Explaining nonprofit organisation: the social value approach. Journal of Co-operative Studies 38 (2): 22-36.

; (2005) Toward a transaction cost theory of organizational change in transitional agriculture. Eastern European Economics 43 (5): 25-45.

; (2005) Explaining inertia in organizational change in Ukrainian agriculture. Journal of Change Management 5 (4): 485-496.

(2005) The organizational nature of agricultural cooperatives: a perspective from the farm problem theory. Journal of Rural Co-operation 33 (2): 139-151.

(2005) Rural partnership as a governance mechanism: toward an organizational economics perspective on rural governance. Journal of Rural Development (Seoul) 28 (2): 159-183.

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; ; ; (2023) Fördern Genossenschaften die Verbreitung landwirtschaftlicher Technologien bei kleinbäuerlichen Agrarstrukturen? Das Beispiel Sichuan (China). IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 51-58.

; ; ; (2023) Do farmer cooperatives promote agricultural technology adoption? A case study in Sichuan, China. IAMO Annual 25: 49-56.

; ; (2021) Diskursblockaden in der Debatte um grüne Gentechnik - Analysen und Reformempfehlungen aus ordonomischer Sicht. Agra-Europe 62 (31): 1-21.

; ; ; (2017) Von der Schwierigkeit, moderne Landwirtschaft zu akzeptieren. IAMO Jahreszahl 19: 11-17.

; ; (2015) Entwicklungshilfe 2.0: Die Sisyphusarbeit der Entwicklungshelfer. The European

; (2015) Warum brauchen wir zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in der Landwirtschaft? IAMO Jahreszahl 17: 103-107.

; (2014) Non-Profit-Organisationen: Von Walrettern und Demokratie. Top Agrar (14.02.2014)

; (2014) Energiewende: Die zwielichtige Rolle der Energie-Genossenschaften. ZEIT Online (20.04.2014)

; (2014) Mit Hightech gegen die Moderne. The European (online)

; (2014) Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von NGOs: Putins Perspektive vermeiden. The European (05.03.2014)

(2007) Ökonomische Theorie der Governance in ländlichen Räumen. IAMO Jahreszahl 9: 55-59.

; (2006) Warum leisten Agrarbetriebe einen Beitrag zur ländlichn Entwicklung? Das Beispiel Tschechische Republik. IAMO Jahreszahl 8: 21-25.

Contributions to anthologies

; ; ; ; (2024) Bringing in ethics: A multi-stakeholder approach to manage the transition to low-carbon construction. In: Galende Sánchez, E., Sorman, A. H., Cabello, V., Heidenreich, S., Klöckner, C. A. (eds.): Strengthening European Climate Policy: Governance Recommendations from Innovative Interdisciplinary Collaborations, 111-123: Palgrave Macmillan ltd.

; ; (2021) Diskursblockaden in der Debatte um grüne Gentechnik – Analysen und Reformempfehlungen aus ordonomischer Sicht. In: Green Deal – Was kommt auf die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft zu? (Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, Bd. 37), 93-147: Edmund-Rehwinkel Stiftung.

(2021) Corporate social responsibility, nonprofit sector, and the idea of the Commons. In: The third sector and social economy: Ukrainian and international experiences, 10: Poltava State Agrarian Academy.

; (2018) Internal organization and governance. In: Seaman, B. A., Young, D. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. Second Edition, 285-299: Edward Elgar Publishing.

; ; ; (2016) Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der landwirtschaftlichen Tretmühle: Moderne Landwirtschaft, technologische Tretmühle und gesellschaftliche Entfremdung - Folgen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. In: DLG e.V. (Hrsg.): Moderne Landwirtschaft zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Eine kritische Analyse, Archiv der DLG (Band 110), DLG-Wintertagung 2016, München 11.-13. Januar 2016, 147-170: DLG-Verlag.

; (2015) Evolutionary governance, sustainability, and systems theory: The case of Central Asia. In: Beunen, R., Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (eds.): Evolutionary Governance Theory: Theory and Applications. Springer: Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 119-134: Springer.

(2014) Toward a social theory of cooperative organization. In: Osborne, St. P. (ed.): Voluntary and Nonprofit Management, Vol. 1: Key Concepts and Themes. Los Angeles et al.: Sage, 143-166: Sage Publications.

(2013) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. In: Brockmeier, T., Kluth, W. (eds.): 100 Jahre Genossenschafts- und Kooperationsforschung in Halle, 195-214: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.

(2010) The economics of the nonprofit sector: toward the self-sufficiency paradigm. In: In: Bergmann, Matthaus, and Faust, Timotheus (eds): Handbook of Business and Finance: Multinational Companies, Venture Capital and Nonprofit Organizations, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 241-257: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

(2010) Internal organization and governance. In: Bruce A. Seaman and Dennis R. Young (Eds) Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar, 208-219: Edward Elgar Publishing.

; ; (2006) Which farms grow in Russia?: results of an econometric analysis. In: Gataulin, A., (Hrsg.): Matematièskie metody i modeli v ekonomike APK (Mathematische Methoden und Modelle in der Wirtschaftz der APK), Trudy desjatoj mezdunarodnoj nauèno-praktièeskoj konferencii Nezavisimogo nauènoe agrarno-ekonomièeskoe obsèestvo Rossii (Beiträge der 10. internationalen wissenschaftlich-praktischen Konferenz der Unabhängigen Agrarökonomischen Gesellschaft Russlands NAEKOR), 11-20: Unbekannt.

(2006) The institutional mechanisms of agricultural insurance. In: Cafiero, C., Cioffi, A., (Ed.): Income stabilization in agriculture, Proceedings of the 86th EAAE Seminar "Agricultural Income Stabilization: what role should public policies play?", Anacapri, Italy, October 21-22, 2004 , 53-69: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.

; ; (2004) The effects of social capital on the organization of agricultural enterprises and rural communities in transition: The case of Ukraine. In: Petrick, M., Weingarten, P. (eds.): The role of agriculture in Central and Eastern European rural development: Engine of change or social buffer? (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 25), 269-284: IAMO Eigenverlag.

IAMO Policy Briefs

; (2015) Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen auf dem Land: Kein unsichtbarer Dritter. IAMO Policy Brief No. 21, Halle (Saale).

IAMO Discussion Papers

(2003) Social capital, transition in agriculture, and economic organisation: A theoretical perspective. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 53, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Further Publications

; ; (2020) Agroholdings and agricultural science in Ukraine: Uneasy bedfellows. VoxUkraine.

; ; (2020) Agroholdingi ta agrarna nauka v Ukraini: problemi spivisnuvannya [Agroholdings and Agricultural Science in Ukraine: Uneasy Bedfellows]. VoxUkraine.

; (2019) Resilience, stakeholder orientation, and land markets: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. EAAE.

; ; ; (2017) NPR - Can modern agriculture meet societal expectations? International Farm Management Association.

; ; ; (2017) Gesellschaftliche Lernprozesse zur Förderung der Bioökonomie – eine ordonomische Argumentationsskizze. Forum Wirtschaftsethik.

; (2017) Brauchen wir NGOs? Discussionspaper / Chair for Economic Ethics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2016) When Growth Obliges: Social Responsibility of Farms in Light of the Technological Treadmill. AgEconSearch.

; (2016) Towards a Theory of Structural Change in Agriculture: Just Economics? EAAE 149th Seminar, Rennes, France.

; (2014) Non Profit-Organisationen: Von Walrettern und Demokratie. topagrar online.

; (2014) Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von NGOs: Putins Perspektive vermeiden. The European - Das Debatten-Magazin.


(2005) Why are cooperatives important in agriculture: an organizational economics perspective. Copenhagen, Dänemark, 24.08.2005 - 27.08.2005.

(2005) The cooperatives as a social capital-based organization: General theory and applications to agriculture. Wye Campus, Großbritannien, 09.04.2005 - 10.04.2005.


(2024) Stakeholder theory as systems theory: Lessons from Bogdanov's Tektology. 8th Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium, Palermo, Italien.

; (2023) Social capital in agricultural cooperatives: A new Luhmannian approach. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

; (2023) Moral and managerial perspectives on agricultural cooperatives: Toward a Luhmannian reconciliation. Luhmann Conference, Dubrovnik, Kroatien.

(2022) The stakeholder view of the firm: A systems theory approach. Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance and New Theories of the Firm, Online (MDPI Webinar), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Imprints of an insecure institutional environment on perceptions of social responsibility of large farms in Romania. Colloquium of the Leibniz Science Campus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA), Leipzig, Deutschland.

; ; (2021) Diskursblockaden in der Debatte um grüne Gentechnik – Analysen und Reformempfehlungen aus ordonomischer Sicht. Rehwinkel-Symposium 2021: Green Deal - Was kommt auf die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft zu?, online, Deutschland.

(2021) Corporate social responsibility, nonprofit sector, and the idea of the commons. Third sector and social economy: Ukrainian and international experiences, Poltava, Ukraine.

; (2019) Resilience, stakeholder orientation, and land markets: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. 165th EAAE seminar Agricultural Land Markets – Recent Developments, Efficiency and Regulation, Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2019) Theorizing Agriculture-society Tensions: An Ordonomic Approach to the Agrarian Vision. 165th EAAE seminar Agricultural Land Markets – Recent Developments, Efficiency and Regulation, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2019) Theorizing Agriculture-society Tensions: An Ordonomic Approach to the Agrarian Vision. ESRS2019 - XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress "Rural futures in a complex world", Trondheim, Norwegen.

; ; (2019) The Institutional Ethics of Corporate Hypocrisy: An Experimental Approach. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, Boston, MA, USA.

; (2019) Agrarian Vision, Industrial Vision, and Rent-seeking: An Ordonomic Perspective. Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA.

; (2019) The double nature of cooperatives: a systems theory view. 6th BSLab Symposium, Pavia, Italien.

; (2019) Member heterogeneity in cooperatives: a systems theory view. 15th International Conference of WEAI, Tokio, Japan.

; (2018) Understanding the Growth of Agroholdings: A Story of Resilience. 12th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; (2018) A resilience-based rationale for farm growth: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; (2018) Stakeholder ecology: a Luhmannian framework. Fifth BSlab International Symposium, Neapel, Italien.

(2017) A systems-theoretic perspective on corporate social responsibility. International Social Theory Consortium Conference 2017, Innsbruck, Oesterreich.

; (2017) Stakeholder relations in agroholdings. Kick-off meeting of the LaScalA project, Kiew, Ukraine.

; ; ; (2016) Agrarstrukturen im Wandel: Mythen, Wirklichkeiten, Widersprüche im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Loccumer Landwirtschaftstagung 2016: Small is beautiful? Betriebsgrößen und multifunktionale Landwirtschaft, Loccum, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2016) On myths and reality: Ensuring societal acceptance of modern agriculture. Vorstellung des IAMO an der Nationalen Staatlichen Agraruniversität Sumy und Absprachen über künftige Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, Sumy, Ukraine.

(2016) A systems-theoretic perspective on corporate social responsibility. Business Systems Laboratory 4th International Symposium, Vilnius, Ukraine.

(2015) The nature of the nonprofit sector: a systems theory perspective. Current trends in public sector research, Slapanice, Tschechische Republik.

; (2014) Energiegenossenschaften: Das Dilemma des Alternativen. XIX. Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Tagung der AGI 2014, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2014) The meaning of nonprofit advocacy: an ordonomic perspective. 11th International Conference: Civil Society and the Citizen, Münster, Deutschland.

(2014) Evolutorische Systemtheorie und ihre institutionenökonomischen Implikationen. 54. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus: Neuere Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus, Göttingen, Deutschland.

; (2013) Addressing community needs by means of social enterprises. Lessons from Italy, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Lüttich, Belgien.

(2013) The complexity-sustainability trade-off in Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory. 25th Annual EAEPE Conference, Paris, Frankreich.

; (2013) The nonprofit catallaxy: an Austrian economics perspective on the nonprofit sector. 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Lüttich, Belgien.

(2012) Understanding the rural third sector: insights from Veblen and Bogdanov. Cooperative responses to global challenges, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2012) Agricultural cooperatives. Promoting the understanding of cooperatives for a better world, Venedig, Italien.

(2012) Zu einer holistischen Nonprofit-Ökonomik. 10. Internationale NPO-Colloquium, Freiburg, Schweiz.

(2012) Veblen and instrumental value: a systems theory perspective. Conference of the Association for Institutional Thought, Houston, USA.

(2012) The economics of nonprofit organization: insights from heterodox institutionalism. 10th International ISTR Conference, Siena, Italien.

; (2012) What can nonprofit economics learn from the theory of agricultural cooperatives? Genossenschaften im Fokus einer neuen Wirtschaftspolitik, Wien, Oesterreich.

(2012) The institutionalist implications of the general systems theory. 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Krakau, Polen.

(2011) The institutional theory of Radhamakal Mukherjee: implications for modern nonprofit economics. 3rd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Roskilde, Dänemark.

(2011) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. Researching the Voluntary Sector, London, Großbritannien.

; (2010) Understanding collective action: toward an economics of the rural third sector. ISTR's 9th International Conference , Istanbul, Türkei.

(2010) Mapping the third sector in John R. Commons typology of transactions. ISTR's 9th International Conference , Istanbul, Türkei.

(2010) Dritter-Sektor-Organisationen in der ländlichen Entwicklung: eine Transaktionskostentheoretische Perspektive. 9. Internationales NPO-Forschungscolloquium 2010, Göttingen, Deutschland.

(2010) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. Financing social enterprise and measuring social and public added value, Usti nad Labem, Tschechische Republik.

(2009) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. MACE Conference 2009: Multi-Level Processes of Integration and Disintegration, Berlin, Deutschland.

(2009) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Östersund, Schweden.

(2008) Zur marktversagenstheorie der Nonprofit-Organisationen. AK NPO-Workshop 'Aspekte der Governance im Nonprofit-Sektor', Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2008) The economics of nonprofit organization: in search of an integrative theory. XVI. Internationale Genossenschaftswissenschaftliche Tagung, Köln, Deutschland.

(2008) Toward an alternative understanding of the nondistribution constraint. 8th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research, Barcelona, Spanien.

; (2008) The economics of the nondistribution constraint: a critical reappraisal. Social Economy as a Factor of Regional Development, Usti nad Labem, Tschechische Republik.

(2007) The market failure rationale of nonprofit organization revisited. First International CIRIEC Research Conference on Social Economy, Victoria B.C. (British Columbia), Kanada.

(2007) Toward an incentive alignment theory of nonprofit organization. The XI Annual Conference of IRPSM, Potsdam, Deutschland.

(2007) The market failure rationale of nonprofit organization revisited. The XI Annual Conference of IRPSM, Potsdam, Deutschland.

; ; (2006) Determinants of farm growth in Russia. 96th EAAE-Seminar "Causes and Impacts of Agricultural Structures", Tänikon, Schweiz.

; ; (2006) Faktory rosta v APK Rossii [Wachstumsfaktoren russischer landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe]. 10. Internationale wissenschaftlich-praktische Konferenz der unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen agrarökonomischen Gesellschaft Russlands-Nemtschinowskij-Vorträge, Moskau, Russland.

(2006) Nonprofit organisation and the division of labor: a theoretical perspective. 12th Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, Coventry, Großbritannien.

(2006) Toward a property rights theory of nonprofit organization. Civil Society and Human Security, Bangkok, Thailand.

(2006) The logic of the nonprofit sector: an organisational economics perspective. Civil Society and Human Security, Bangkok, Thailand.

(2006) The logic of the nonprofit sector: an organisational economics perspective. 20. Workshop des AKNPO, Berlin, Deutschland.

(2006) The market failure rationale of nonprofit organization revisited. VSSN: Day Conference, Glasgow, Großbritannien.

(2005) Toward a social value theory of nonprofit organization. ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference "Civil Society and Social Justice", Bangalore, Indien.

(2005) Explaining non-profit organization: the social value approach. International Conference: Concepts of the third sector - the European debate: civil society, voluntary and community organizations, social economy, Paris, Frankreich.

(2005) The changing role of producer self-organization in the development of transitional agriculture. VII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, Berlin, Deutschland.