The Institute
The Agricultural Policy Department researches institutions of agricultural development in transition economies from a microeconomic perspective. The work thus contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between institutions, agricultural policies and the transformation processes in rural areas of the formerly centrally planned economies of Europe and Asia.
In accordance with the guideline "Towards Well-Functioning Agricultural Markets", the research activities of the Agricultural Markets Department are aimed at questions of the functioning and coordination of markets along agricultural value chains in countries undergoing economic transformation.
The Structural Change Department investigates the process complexity of agricultural structural change. Of particular importance are the associated dynamics, influencing factors and impacts, which are analysed at multiple levels using a broad range of methodological tools.
The Department Administration and Central Services/Technical Support consists of the following work areas: personnel administration, budget, external funds management, IS/IT, controlling, documentation and statistics, publications, public relations, general administration/procurement, scientific library, building services and the visitor services.
Library & Information Center
IAMO has its own specialised scientific library with reference holdings, which can also be used by researchers outside IAMO after registration. The main focus of the literature is the agricultural and food industry. The book and journal holdings are characterised by a variety of original language titles from Central and Eastern Europe. The electronic resources also provide access to numerous databases, eBooks and eJournals.
Visiting Research Fellows
IAMO awards two-year research fellowships to excellent scientists. Within IAMO’s mission and complement existing research the visiting research fellows develop innovative research ideas, advance existing research or work on a specific issue of high societal relevance in collaboration with IAMO researchers.