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IAMO Visiting Research Fellows

IAMO awards two-year research fellowships to excellent scientists. Within IAMO’s mission and complement existing research the visiting research fellows develop innovative research ideas, advance existing research or work on a specific issue of high societal relevance in collaboration with IAMO researchers.

Current IAMO Visiting Research Fellows are:

Call for applications

IAMO visiting research fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral and senior researchers who are able to demonstrate outstanding academic performance. That is a strong publication record and an innovative research proposal that clearly outlines the contributions to advancing the state of the art. Candidates from all disciplines may apply as long as they complement IAMO’s existing research activities.

What we offer

IAMO offers six fellowships per year. The fellowships cover accommodation in IAMO’s guest facilities and expenses for return travel. In addition, IAMO grants a two-year institutional affiliation to selected fellows that allows to continue the cooperation in projects, teaching and outreach.

Application procedure

Candidates are invited to submit a research proposal of no more than 3,000 words. The proposal should set out a clear description of the proposed research, including the intended collaboration with IAMO staff, the publication strategy and a time schedule to achieve the research goals. The key selection criteria are the applicant’s academic record as well as originality and significance of the proposed research.

Applications are welcome at any time. Please submit your application electronically to direktorium(at) and include a cover letter, CV with publication list and the research proposal. Applicants will be notified within two months after their application and must commence their fellowship within six months after selection.


			Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann

Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann

Director of IAMO,
Head of Department Structural Change
Room: 140

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			Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben

Director of IAMO,
Head of Department Agricultural Markets
Room: 234

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			Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Director of IAMO,
Head of Department Agricultural Policy
Room: 117

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