Prof. Dr. Constantine Iliopoulos
IAMO Visiting Research Fellow
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Prof. Dr. Constantine Iliopoulos
IAMO Visiting Research Fellow
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Prof. Dr. Constantine Iliopoulos is director of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGR.E.R.I.) in Athens and adjunct professor at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. His research program focuses on agribusiness economics and collective entrepreneurship - particularly the organizational and capital-acquisition aspects of innovative agribusiness cooperatives, and rural development - with attention to both theoretical and policy concerns. The economics of cooperative legislation and policy, the formation requirements for agricultural bargaining cooperatives, and innovative solutions to ownership and governance problems of agricultural cooperatives have been in the center of his research during the last years. His theoretical tools include approaches such as organizational, new institutional and evolutionary economics. His empirical research includes numerous survey data collection and analyses at the farm, cooperative and industry levels, case study and focus groups research, as well as latent variable model analyses. Since October 2013, Constantine Iliopoulos serves as the director of AGRERI.