Prof. Dr. Vladislav Valentinov
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Prof. Dr. Vladislav Valentinov
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Institutional economics
Nonprofit organizations
Rural development
Systems theory
Prof. Dr. Vladislav Valentinov is a research associate at the Department Structural Change. He joined IAMO in 2003 as a DAAD Fellow. Later, he was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Commission within the 6th Framework Program, and the Schumpeter Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation. He raised further third party funding from the DFG and the Wissenschaftscampus Halle. In 2011, he defended a Habilitation thesis that won a Christian Wolff Award of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany. Since then, he has lectured on the economics of nonprofit organizations at the Faculty of Law and Economics at the MLU. Presently he is a member of the Editorial Board of several journals, such as the Journal of Economic Issues, Voluntas, and Kybernetes. He was awarded the title of the adjunct professor of the Martin Luther University in 2017.
- AgriMyths – The Ethics and Economics of Modern Agricultural Myths
- Agricultural cooperatives – Agricultural cooperatives as economic crisis-absorbers: the role of cooperative ownership and governance
- CARe – Navigating shocks and transformations in rural communities: An evolutionary resilience perspective from Central Asia
- FORLand – Agricultural Land Markets – Efficiency and Regulation
- Green public procurement – Green public procurement in the Czech Republic
- LaScalA – International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture
- Reforming the Discourses on Innovative Technologies: An Ordonomic Perspective
- Third sector organizations – Third sector organizations in rural development: a theoretical and empirical analysis