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; ; ; ; (Hg.) (2022) Transition towards carbon neutrality: Natural resource management and institutional change. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. /.
; ; (2021) The strength of weak and strong ties in bridging geographic and cognitive distances. ZEW Discussion Papers, Mannheim.
; (2021) Agricultural land market regulations in the EU member states - Country report for Germany. In: Vranken, L., Tabeau, E., Roebeling, P. with contributions from country experts and associates: Deliverable 3: Final report on data and information on agricultural land market regulations across EU MS.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2021) Marktmacht in landwirtschaftlichen Bodenmärkten – Bedeutung, Messung, Abgrenzung.
; ; ; (2021) Market orientation: Wheat-to-bread supply chain in France and UK.
; ; ; (2021) The best practices and potential of smallholders’ participation in short value chains in the Western Balkans and Turkey. JRC Technical Report, Luxembourg.