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; ; ; ; (2007) The dynamics of Chinese rural households' participation in labour markets. Agricultural Economics 37 (2): 167-178.
; ; ; ; (2007) Spatial market integration and the dynamics of transaction costs in the Chinese soy bean market. Empirical Economics Letters 6 (5): 431-437.
; ; (2007) Der Einfluss der Euro-Einführung auf die Preisentwicklung bei frischen Lebensmitteln in Deutschland. Schmollers-Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 127 (3): 457-485.
; (2007) Quality Management in Supply Chain Networks - the Case of Poland. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 10 (4): 102-128.
; (2007) How to deal with member heterogeneity - management implications. International Journal of Co-operative Management 3 (2): 40-48.
; ; (2007) Modelling heterogeneity in production models: Empirical evidence from individual farming in Poland = Róznorodnosc modelowania we wzorcach produkcyjnych: Dowód empiryczny na podstawie indywidualnego rolnictwa w Polsce. Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej [Economics of Polish Agriculture] (3): 24-40.
; (2007) Zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der weißrussischen Landwirtschaft. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 85 (2): 300-328.
; ; (2007) How far are the transition countries from the economic standards of European Union? Measuring efficiency ang growth in agriculture. Eastern European Economics 45 (3): 51-75.
; ; ; (2007) Investment under uncertainty - Does competition matter? Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (2): 994-1014.