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(2012) Land fragmentation and off-farm labor supply in China. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 66, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2012) Die Wirkung der Fragmentierung von Agrarflächen auf das Angebot an außerlandwirtschaftlichen Arbeitskräften in China. IAMO Jahreszahl 14: 41-49.
; ; (2012) Farmgate private standards and price premium: Evidence from GlobalGAP scheme in Kenya’s French bean marketing. Agribusiness: An International Journal 28 (1): 42-53.
; ; (2012) Drivers of Agricultural Physical Capital Development: Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses. Factor Markets Working Paper, Brussels.
(2012) Wegwerfen von Lebensmitteln einerseits, hungernde Bevölkerung andererseits - Ineffizient und unmoralisch? IAMO Policy Brief No. 7, Halle (Saale).
(2012) Discarding food vs. starving people - Inefficient and immoral? IAMO Policy Brief No. 7, Halle (Saale).
(2012) Peasants and markets: market integration and agricultural development in Westphalia 1780-1880. In: Cruyningen, P. van, Thoen, E. (eds.), Food supply, demand and trade. Aspects of the economic relationship between towns and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century), CORN Vol. 14, 189-215: Brepols Publishers.
; (2012) Proizvoditel'nost' sel'skogo chozjaistva Prussii v chode promyšlennoj revoljucii: interpretacija s točki zrenija teorii fon Tjunena. Ėkonomičeskaja istorija: Ežegodnik: 23-71.