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(2017) Schlussbericht des Teilvorhabens Landnutzungskonflikte und Auswirkungen landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungspfade in unterschiedlichen ländlichen Gebieten im Verbundvorhaben MULTAGRI - Governance ländlicher Entwicklung durch Maßnahmen zur multifunktionalen Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen.
; ; ; ; (2017) Water and agriculture in China: status, challenges and options for action.
; ; ; ; (2017) Production Potential in the "Bread Baskets" of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Global Food Security 14: 38-53.
; ; (2017) The effects of rules on local political decision-making processes: How can rules facilitate participation? Policy Sciences 50 (4): 675–696.
; (2017) The neglect of society in the theory of the firm: a systems theory perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics 41 (4): 1061-1085.
; ; ; ; (2017) Determinants of productivity and efficiency of wheat production in Kazakhstan: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 160, Halle (Saale), Germany: IAMO.
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; ; ; (2017) Corruption perceptions and entrepreneurial intentions in a transitional context : the case of rural Bulgaria. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 22 (3): 1-21.
(2017) Post-Socialist Informality Rural Style: Impressions from Bulgaria. In: Polese, A., Williams, C., Horodnic, I., Bejakovic, P. (eds.): The Informal Economy in Global Perspective : Varieties of Governance, 141-155: Palgrave Macmillan ltd.
; ; (2017) Rethinking nonprofit commercialization: the case of the Czech Republic. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 28 (5): 2103-2123.