The project aims to support competence management in agriculture with regard to the professional and social integration of foreign workers. Agricultural enterprises are assisted to better tap the potentials of foreign workers. To this end, exemplary models of human resource management are developed and established in real-world companies. Researchers at IAMO generate empirical insights about the profiles and potentials of East European agricultural workers and the challenges of promoting them as skilled personnel on East German farms. Moreover, based on recent concepts in personnel economics and the contributions of other partners in the project, recommendations on how to shape organizational transformation processes are established. Current results are available on the project website
Project partners
- Coordination: Center for Social Research in Halle e.V. (registered association) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Argricultural Company Barnstädt e.G. (registered cooperative society), Germany
- Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany
Qualification Works
The following theses are part of the project:
- Die soziale Konstruktion der Berufsrollen in der Großtierhaltung und deren Einfluss auf die Personalauswahl und Wissensweitergabe im Betrieb - Eine qualitative Analyse (Carried out by: )
Final publication
The project staff published a textbook on human resource management in 2018:
Petrick, Martin; Wiener, Bettina (Hg.) (2018): Landwirtschaftliches Personalmanagement im Kontext internationaler Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Ein Lehrmodul für Führungskräfte. Halle (Saale): Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg. ISBN 978-3-86977-168-7. The full text is freely available here.
The press release on the textbook can be found here.
Further current publications can be viewed at
Project Staff
Christa Gotter
Dr. Vasyl Kvartiuk
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Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick (Project leader)
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