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Publication List

(2023) The diffusion and adoption of crop disease management practices among banana farmers in Rwanda: The importance of proximity dimensions. Halle (Saale): Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) .
; ; (2023) The green-restructuring of clusters: Investigating a biocluster's transition using a complex adaptive system model. European Planning Studies 31 (9): 1842-1867.
; ; (2023) Instrumente einer grünen Politik zur Förderung des grünen Wachstums von Clustern: Implikationen eines akteurbasierten Ansatzes. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 77-86.
; ; (2023) Policy instruments for green growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model. IAMO Annual 25: 75-83.
; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Climate-related risk modeling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) disease incidence within cropland area of Rwanda. Plant Disease 107 (7): 2017–2026.
; (2023) Agricultural price formation in theory and reality.: 549.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan. Scientific Data 10
(2023) Digitalization of Chinese agriculture - A step forward? Harvest · 丰收 : Sino-German Agricultural Magazine (2): 7-13.
; ; ; ; ; (2023) The digitalization of China's agriculture: Status quo and economic implications. 0