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; (2022) Stakeholder theory: A process-ontological perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 (3): 762-776.
; (2022) Chester Barnard’s theory of the firm: An institutionalist view. Journal of Economic Issues 56 (3): 707-720.
; ; (2022) Adaptive governance: Learning from what organizations do and managing the role they play. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 51 (5): 1738-1758.
; ; ; ; (2022) Material dependencies: Hidden underpinnings of sustainability transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (3): 281-296.
; ; ; ; (2022) How can we govern if we don’t see our feet? Speaking of the matter of sustainability transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (3): 277-280.
; ; (2022) Satellitenbilder belegen eine rasante Ausbreitung kleinbäuerlicher Krebszucht auf Reisfeldern in China. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 53-61.
; ; (2022) Satellite images reveal rapid spread of smallholder crayfish farming in CHina's rice fields. IAMO Annual 24: 51-58.
; ; ; ; (Hg.) (2022) Transition towards carbon neutrality: Natural resource management and institutional change. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. /.
; ; (2022) Can digital farming technologies enhance the willingness to buy products from current farming systems? PLOS ONE 17 (11)