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Publication List

; (2007) Russland: Neues Geld für den Agrarsektor. Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 59 (36): 7-9.
; (2007) Geld für den Agrarsektor. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 197 (40): 42-43.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2007) Effects of the CAP direct payments on Lithuanian agriculture. European Commission, Bruxelles.
; ; ; (2007) Some conceptual thoughts on the impact of social networks on non-farm rural employment. 104th (joint) EAAE-IAAE Seminar Agricultural Economics and Transition: What we expected, what we observed, the lessons learned, Budapest / Ungarn, 6.-8.9.2007. (CD). IAAE-EAAE.
; ; ; ; ; (2007) Support scheme of food processing firms: A driving force for rural development? IAMO Discussion Paper No. 105, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
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(2007) Some reflections on the transaction costs theory of nonprofit organization. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 30 (1): 52-67.
(2007) Faktori viniknennja neekivalentnosti mizgaluzevich vidnosin v APK [The determinants of intersectual disparity in the agrifood sector]. Ekonomika APK (2): 19-22.
; (2007) Are cooperatives hybrid organizations? An alternative viewpoint. Journal of Rural Co-operation 35 (2): 141-155.