Dr. Judith Möllers
Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Policy
External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)
Dr. Judith Möllers
Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Policy
External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)
Rural livelihoods
Rural non-farm economy
Rural development
Poverty and Inequality
Subjective Wellbeing
Dr. Judith Möllers is an agricultural economist and has been a senior scientist at IAMO since 2006. She wrote her PhD thesis on rural non-farm diversification in transition processes at the Chair of Rural Development and Theory (Prof. Dr. Franz Heidhues) at Hohenheim University, Germany. Her current areas of expertise and professional interest include rural livelihoods, migration, rural non-farm employment, rural poverty, structural change in transition, and the impacts of EU accession on rural livelihoods. Most of her research is empirically based, applying econometric techniques, and is theoretically embedded in microeconomics and behavioural economics. In her most recent research she engages, among others, with qualitative and participatory approaches as well as choice experiments. The geographical focus of her research is mainly on Southeast Europe.
- AG-ChangeRural – Changes in rural areas
- APD Westbalkan – Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany - Western Balkans (Agrarpolitischer Dialog Westbalkan)
- Commercialization of smallholder farms in Kosovo
- Cooperation and alternative food chains as marketing opportunities for smallholder farms in Southeastern Europe
- From Social to Intangible Remittances: A Conceptual Recalibration with Empirical Evidence from Southeast Europe
- MDA-Impact – Agricultural Policy Impact Assessment for the Republic of Moldova
- Philipp Schwartz Fellowships supported by funds from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- RuWell – Rural well-being in transition: multidimensional drivers and effects on (im)mobility
- Short Value Chains Western Balkans – Study of best practices and potential of participation of the smallholders in the short value chains in the Western Balkans region and Turkey (Praxis und Potential der Nutzung von kurzen Vertriebsketten in der Landwirtschaft für Kleinbauern im Westbalkan und der Türkei)
- Social comparisons and inequality – Perceptions of inequality through social comparisons and transference on subjective wellbeing: a micro perspective on reference groups
- Staying rural and the status quo bias – The role of the status quo bias in the perpetuation of farm work and remaining in situ – exemplified with data from Southeast Europe
- Study on Rural Migration in Kosovo
- The impact of migration and remittances on agriculture and rural development in Kosovo and Albania
- Three essays on agricultural policy in Kosovo
- TraFFF – Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia from the 1960s to today