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IAMO Policy Briefs

The publication series IAMO Policy Brief offers selected research findings of IAMO in a short and understandable way for a wider audience. In particular, they are aimed at representatives from politics, business, and the media - as well as interested individuals.

List of IAMO Policy Briefs

; (2021) Research software - Sustainable development and support. IAMO Policy Brief No. 42, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2021) Mit großem Einfluss kommt große Verantwortung: Die EU und die Schwarzmeerregion übernehmen die Führungsrolle auf dem globalen Weizenmarkt. IAMO Policy Brief No. 41, Halle (Saale).
; ; ; (2021) With great power comes great responsibility: The EU and the Black Sea Region take leadership of the global wheat market. IAMO Policy Brief No. 41, Halle (Saale).
; ; ; (2021) Усиление позиций влечет за собой большую ответственность: ЕС и Черноморский регион становятся лидерами на мировом рынке пшеницы. IAMO Policy Brief No. 41, Halle (Saale).

; (2021) Covid-19, unequal economic recovery and maritime food trade. IAMO Policy Brief No. 40, Halle (Saale).
; (2021) Covid-19, ungleiche wirtschaftliche Erholung und der Seehandel mit Agrargütern. IAMO Policy Brief No. 40, Halle (Saale).
; (2021) Пандемия Covid-19, неравномерное восстановление мировой экономики и морская торговля продовольственными товарами. IAMO Policy Brief No. 40, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2021) Looking into the futures markets: What are they really for? IAMO Policy Brief No. 39, Halle (Saale).
; ; (2021) Wozu dienen Warenterminmärkte wirklich? Eine Klarstellung. IAMO Policy Brief No. 39, Halle (Saale).

; (2020) How to align formal land rights with farmers’ perceptions in Central Asia? IAMO Policy Brief No. 38, Halle (Saale).