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| Press Release 01/2017

International competence center on large scale agriculture to be established at IAMO

IAMO project successful in Leibniz Competition 2017

The project "International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA)" was recommended by the Senate of the Leibniz Association to be one of 25 successful research projects to receive funding within the Leibniz Competition 2017. A total of 83 project proposals from Leibniz institutes were received. LaScalA will run for three years and receive a total of 832,516 euros in funding. Project leader is the Halle (Saale), Germany, based Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). Within the scope of the project an international competence center on large scale agriculture is to be established.

In cooperation with international partners from science, business and civil society the colleagues around IAMO researcher Dr. Taras Gagalyuk aim to investigate the emergence, management, and economic and social effects of so-called agroholdings. Agroholdings are understood to mean vertically and/or horizontally integrated groups in which a certain number of subsidiaries operate agriculture. Due to an ongoing consolidation of farming in different parts of the world, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin America large scale agriculture is becoming more and more important, but also in Australia, the United States and partly even Western Europe such corporate structures are to be found.

"Besides economic and managerial challenges for farms this also leads to a number of societal and environmental effects", explains Dr. Taras Gagalyuk, "and in all these effects we want to gain in-depth insights, internationally and interdisciplinarily." In a second step the findings gained in the framework of LaScalA are then to be made available to experts and the interested public via an interactive online data platform. It is planned that the platform also collects and makes accessible worldwide research publications, popular information and databases related to large agricultural operations in general. More information:

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About IAMO

The Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) analyses economic, social and political processes of change in the agricultural and food sector, and in rural areas. The geographic focus covers the enlarging EU, transition regions of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, as well as Central and Eastern Asia. IAMO works to enhance the understanding of institutional, structural and technological changes. Moreover, IAMO studies the resulting impacts on the agricultural and food sector as well as the living conditions of rural populations. The outcomes of our work are used to derive and analyse strategies and options for enterprises, agricultural markets and politics. Since its founding in 1994, IAMO has been part of the Leibniz Association, a German community of independent research institutes.

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale)
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Dr. Taras Gagalyuk

Dr. Taras Gagalyuk

Research Associate
Room: 136

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