3rd PhD Forum of Leibniz Association's Section B
3-4 July 2014 | IAMO, Halle (Saale), Conference Room I
Thursday, 03.07.2014
Introduction/ Welcome
Presentations I (Chair: N.N.)
13:10 Anica Kramer: Transferability of Human Capital and Immigrant Assimilation. An Analysis for German
13:40 Stefan Esch: Targeted recruitment of in- and return migrants to East Germany
14:00 Lea Eilers: Neighborhood Effects and Female Labor Supply
14:30 Andreas Friedl: Micro finance - An alternative group lending mechanism
Coffee Break
Presentations II (Chair: N.N.)
15:15 Mareike Lange: From the Pampas to the Amazon: Heterogeneous agricultural development in Brazil
15:45 Norbert Krauß: Modell zur Bilanzierung des Beitrags regenerativer Energien zur Energieversorgung von Städten - Am Bsp. einer Modellstadt
16:05 Mathias Kloss: Exposure of EU Farmers to the Financial Crisis
16:35 Verena Brinks: Mushrooming entrepreneurship: The dynamic geography of enthusiast-driven innovation
17:05 Gulmira Gafarova: Price Discrimination and Market Power in International Wheat Markets: The case of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine
Guided tour 50 years Halle-Neustadt
Friday, 04.07.2014
Presentationt III (Chair: Thomas Herzfeld)
9:00 German research landscape. Dr. Kathrin Happe (Leopoldina)
9:30 Publishing with impact. Dr. Katrin Weller (GESIS)
10:00 Funding opportunities for PhD students. Dr. Elisabeth Hasse (Leibniz Association Brussels Office)
Coffee Break
World Café
Farewell and Lunch