What can digital communications do for generational renewal in farming?

Thematic complex:
Designing appropriate regulatory frameworks and institutions
Project duration:
- 30.06.2024
Investigated countries:
United States,
Young farmers can make a big contribution to promoting rural prosperity. Currently, more than a third of all farms in the EU are run by farmers who are close to their retirement age. The EU’s common agricultural policy post-2020 has identified generational renewal as one of its nine goals. As such, generational renewal of the agricultural sectors is considered a key first step to helping strengthen rural value chains and bolster rural viability and vitality. The EU-funded YOUNG FARMERS project will develop new ideas to engage more young people in agriculture. Specifically, it will design a ‘networked individualism’ model developed by the digital sociology field to understand behaviour patterns. The model is innovative and provides new perspectives to structure public debates.
Project partners
- Mark A. Brennan, UNESCO Community, Leadership, and Youth Development, The Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
- Kati Lawson, Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC), University of Florida (UF)
- Robert Chaskin, University of Chicago (UC)
This project has received funds from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 895185. Funding Scheme: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Global Fellowships (GF)
Project Staff
Prof. Mark. A. Brennan (Pennsylvania State University) (Supervisor)
Dr. Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
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Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann (Supervisor)
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