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Agricultural Organisation and Farm Policy

Thematic complex:
Organisation of agriculture
Project duration:
01.05.2012 - 31.12.2022
Investigated countries:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus

This research project conducts theoretical and empirical economic research to better understand the behavior and organization of agricultural producers in transition economies. Such producers include family farms, agricultural workers, rural households, corporate enterprises and possibly other organizations that engage in farming. The operation of agricultural factor markets (for labor, land and capital), the institutional responses to their imperfections, and their productivity and distributional consequences are at the center of the analysis. Furthermore, the project investigates the effects of government policies on agricultural producers and their organizational modes, e.g. in the form of cooperatives and associations as well as the determinants of these policies. The group uses quantitative methods where possible, but is principally open to various types of quantitative and qualitative scientific inquiry.

Project partners


Qualification Works

The following theses are part of the project:

  • Factor productivity in EU agriculture (Faktorproduktivität in der Landwirtschaft der EU) (Carried out by: Mathias Kloss)


		Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick

Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick

IAMO Visiting Research Fellow

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Project Staff

Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick (Project leader)
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Martin Freier

Dr. Mathias Kloss

Katharina Vantomme

Dr. Axel Wolz

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov
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