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(2006) In der Ukraine steckt großes Wachstumspotential. Agrarzeitung (10): 3.
; ; (2006) Assessment of information and communication needs of institutions and stakeholders of the national agriculture research system of Ukraine. 0
; (2006) Measuring the degree of market power in the Ukrainian milk processing industry. In: Cutriss, J., Balmann, A., Dautzenberg, K., Happe, K., (Hrsg.): Agriculture in the face of changing markets, institutions and policies: challenges and strategies, Studies on the agricultural and food sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 33, IAMO-Forum 2006 Halle (Saale), 29.26.-01.07.2006, 309-318: IAMO Eigenverlag.
(2006) Should the goverment finance public goods in rural areas? A review of arguments. Agricultural & Applied Economics staff paper series, Halle (Saale).
(2006) Evidence on the prevalence of credit rationing in the agricultural sectors of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Background paper for the World Development Report 2008. 0
(2006) Kreowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej - analiza polskich spóldzielni mleczarskich [Building a comparative advantage - the case of the Polish dairy cooperatives]. SERiA - The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 8 (2): 167-171.
(2006) Bündelung der Kräfte ist schwierig - Der Wandel der Fleischwirtschaft in Bulgarien, Polen und Rumänien. Fleischwirtschaft 86 (3): 67-68.
(2006) Wplyw polityki jakosciowej Unii Europejskiej na przemiany strukturalne w polskim mleczarstwie [Impact of the EU quality policy on structural change in the Polish dairy sector]. In: Gburcyk, S., (ed.): Wplyw doplat bezpo´srednich i innych instrumentów Wspólnej Polikyki Rolnej na polskie rynki rolno-spozywcze, Mulit-Annual Programme: "Economic and Social Factors Conditioning Polish Food Economy Development" of the Polish Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute [IERiGZ-PIB], Warzawa, Heft-Nr. 44, 82-101: IERiGZ-PIB.