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SALON Global Agriculture invites to a discussion on plant based bio-economy at the Dutch embassy

On 5 March 2020, the event "Impulses for the plant-based bioeconomy - focus on photosynthesis" will take place at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin with the participation of the ScienceCampus Halle (WCH).

The Science Year 2020 will focus on the bio-economy and therefore on a new and sustainable economy. In various lectures, a science slam and a panel discussion, experts from Germany and the Netherlands will address the question of the role of the plant-based bioeconomy in the process of a transition to a fossil-free economy. IAMO scientist Frans Hermanns, among others, will provide insights into current research.



  • Peter Vermeij | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Nele Hermann Valente | Genius GmbH

Keynote speech

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Westhoff | Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Political impulses

  • Andrea Noske | Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Sascha Bollerman | Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Netherlands

Insights into current research

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Weber | Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS)
  • Dr. René Klein Lankhorst | Wageningen University & Research
  • Dr. Frans Hermans | Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), ScienceCampus Halle – Plant-based Bioeconomy (WCH)

Prospects for the economy

  • Dr. Grégoire Hummel | Phenospex
  • Achim Raschka | Nova Institute

Slam and pulse

  • Dr. Martin Becker | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK-Gatersleben)
  • Dr. Natalie Laibach | Progressive Agrarwende

Panel discussion: What would you like: Feed, food, fuel, fiber? - Research for a plant-based bioeconomy

  • Dr. Rosalina Babourkova | Futurium
  • Dr. Jon Falk | Saaten-Union Biotec
  • Dr. Jens Freitag | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK-Gatersleben)
  • Kees de Vries | Member of the German Bundestag

Moderation: Nina Parzych, Genius GmbH

Please register by 28 February here.

SALON Global Agriculture "Impulses for the plant-based bioeconomy - focus on photosynthesis"

5 March 2020 | 09:00 - 13:00
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Klosterstraße 50 | 10179 Berlin


Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans

Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans

Research Associate
Room: 241

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