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APD Western Balkans project meeting at IAMO

On 12 November, IAMO hosted a meeting with relevant stakeholders from Western Balkan countries as part of the Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) Western Balkans project.

The main focus of the event was the discussion on improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in the region. IAMO experts Dr Franziska Schaft and Dr Ivan Duric presented IAMO as one of the leading research institutions in the agricultural sector, which can refer to close cooperation with institutions from the Western Balkans. With its expertise, available infrastructure and specialized research programs, the institute can significantly contribute to the further development of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, the participants agreed. The event at IAMO was part of a study tour organized by the South Eastern Europe Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG RRD), GFA Consulting Group and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).


Dr. Ivan Duric

Dr. Ivan Duric

Research Associate
Room: 227

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