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Borislav Rajkovic

Borislav Rajkovic

Borislav Rajkovic

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; ; ; (2021) Gaining trust in the digital age: The potential of social media for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises. Sustainability 13 (4)

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; ; ; (2023) Konsumentenpräferenzen für Biolebensmittel in Serbien aus neuer Sicht: Spielt die Social-Media-Präsenz von Landwirten eine Rolle. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 39-49.

; ; ; (2023) Reconsidering consumer preferences for organic food in Serbia: Does farmers' social media presence play a role? IAMO Annual 25: 37-47.

; (2020) Vertrauen schaffen im digitalen Zeitalter: Der Beitrag von Social-Media-Plattformen zur Vertrauensbildung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, (Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Verbraucherbefragung in Serbien). IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 25-31.

; (2020) Building trust in a digital age: Contribution of social media platforms towards trust creation in agriculture (Preliminary results from consumers' survey in Serbia). IAMO Annual 22: 24-29.

Further Publications

; ; ; (2018) EEGA Workshop "Food 4.0 and globalization: chances and challenges for the Western Balkans - the role of the consumer in changing global food supply chains". Middell, M., Naumann, K..


; ; ; (2023) Trust, transparency traceability along the food value chains in Serbia. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Gaining trust in the digital age: Social media impact on SMES’ competitiveness along the food value chains. XVI EAAE Virtual Congress "Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; (2020) Gaining trust in the digital age: The potential of social media for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium agri-food enterprises. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.