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Linde Götz

PD Dr. habil. Linde Götz

Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Markets

Agricultural Markets, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade (Agricultural Markets)

PD Dr. habil. Linde Götz

Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Markets

Agricultural Markets, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade (Agricultural Markets)

Competition & efficiency of agricultural markets and regional and global supply chains
Agricultural policy, especially trade and crisis policy
Agricultural development in Russia & global food security
Methodological focus: Time-series econometrics
Regional focus: Russia, Former Soviet Union countries, EU, Israel

Linde Götz is Deputy Head of the Department of Agricultural Markets and Associate professor at Martin Luther University in Halle (Saale).

She researches on agri-food value chains, international trade and sustainable food systems with a regional focus on the importance of the Black Sea grain exporters Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan for global grain supply. A further interest lies on consumer acceptance of biotechnological breeding technologies such as CRISPR.

Linde Götz studied agricultural economics and biology at Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Minnesota (USA) and University of Tübingen. She obtained her PhD in Agricultural Economics from University of Göttingen in a cooperation project with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

She is a member of the Board of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Editorial Board of "Agribusiness: An International Journal", Scientific Advisory Board of "Russland-Analysen" and Advisory Board of the innovation alliance "BioZ".

Publications and Presentations