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Changxing Dong

Dr. Changxing Dong

Dr. Changxing Dong

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; ; ; ; ; (2019) Modeling the spatial distribution of grazing intensity in Kazakhstan. PLOS ONE 14 (1): 1-27.

; ; ; ; (2014) A backbone based TSP heuristic for large instances. Journal of Heuristics 20 (1): 107-124.

Artikel (nicht referiert)

; ; ; ; (2013) Auswirkungen der Bodennutzung auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und den Ertrag. IAMO Jahreszahl 15: 93-99.

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

; ; ; ; ; (2014) Modelling spatial relationships between ecosystem services and agricultural production in an agent-based model. In: Ames, D. P., Quinn, N. W. T., Rizzoli, A. E. (eds.): 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) June 15-19, 2014, San Diego, California, USA, 1311-1318: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).

IAMO Discussion Paper

; ; ; (2018) FarmAgriPoliS - An agricultural business management game for behavioral experiments, teaching, and gaming (version 2). IAMO Discussion Paper No. 173, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Weitere Publikationen

; ; ; (2024) Application of deep learning to emulate an agent-based model. FORLand Technical Paper, Berlin.

; ; ; (2019) D3.4 Open-access paper on the formulation and adaptation of an agent-based model to simulate generational renewal.

; ; ; ; ; (2018) Livestock grazing intensity in Kazakhstan from 2015 based on NPP and spatial allocation model. PANGAEA.

; ; ; ; (2017) Representation of the Scanian regions GMB and GSS in AgriPoliS and recent model extensions, Working Paper 2017:2. AgriFood Economics Centre.

; ; ; (2015) FarmAgriPoliS – Ein agentenbasiertes Modell zur Untersuchung des Agrarstrukturwandels mittels Verhaltensexperimenten. German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA).

; ; ; (2015) Potential impact of CAP's Ecological Focus Area on soil fertility. International Association of Agricultural Economists: 29th International Conference, August 8-14.


; ; ; ; (2024) Enhance agent-based model AgriPoliS with individual decision model FarmDyn through deep learning surrogate model FarmLin. Würzburg, Deutschland, 05.03.2024 - 07.03.2024.

; ; (2019) Sustainability of research software AgriPoliS. Potsdam, Deutschland, 04.06.2019 - 06.06.2019.

; ; ; ; ; (2018) Grazing intensity in Kazakhstan: Modeling its spatial distribution. Almaty, Kasachstan, 16.04.2018 - 18.04.2018.


; ; ; ; (2024) Wie Computerspiele und KI zu einer besseren Agrarpolitik beitragen können. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Halle 2024, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2024) Deep Reinforcement Learning for simulating agricultural land markets. LANDSCAPE 2024 "Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors​​​​​", Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2024) Deep Reinforcement Learning in agent-based model AgriPoliS to simulate strategic land market interactions. 4th Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany (deRSE24), Würzburg, Deutschland.

; ; (2024) Strategic decision making in agricultural land rental markets: A deep reinforcement learning approach. IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; ; ; (2016) Pasture utilization and livestock development in Kazakhstan. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, Beijing, China.

; ; ; (2015) FarmAgriPoliS - An Agent-based Model to Conduct Behavioral Experiments with Farmers. International Conference on Computational Social Sience, Helsinki, Finnland.

; ; (2015) Räumliche Koordination der Landnutzung zur Bereitstellung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen. Agrarökonomisches Kolloquium, Göttingen, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; ; (2014) Modelling spatial relationships between ecosystem services and agricultural production in an agent-based model. 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, USA.

; ; ; ; (2013) Assessing Impacts of Land Management Practices on Soil Fertility. 133rd EAAE-Seminar: Developing Integrated and Reliable Modeling Tools for Agricultural and Environmental Policy Analysis, Chania, Crete, Griechenland.

; ; (2013) Modelling Ecosystem Services in AgriPoliS. Vorbesprechung MULTAGRI-Projekt, Lund, Schweden.

; ; ; ; ; (2012) AgriPoliS: Analysing Policy Impacts on Structural Change, Efficiency and Distribution. Workshop on "Developments and Prospects of Farm Level Modelling for post 2013 CAP impact analysis", Brüssel, Belgien.

; ; ; (2012) Agricultural land use in response to future policies and scenarios. Soil as natural capital, promoting soil ecosystem services for a sustainable future, Brüssel, Belgien.

; ; ; ; ; (2012) AgriPoliS - A tool for analysing Policy Impacts on Structural Change, Land Use and the Distribution of Resources in the European Agriculture. Modelling capacities for policy support in Europe, Berlin, Deutschland.