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; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan. Scientific Data 10: .
; ; ; (2023) The effect of internet use on males' body index and overweight: Evidence from China. Journal of Men's Health 19 (12): 11-22.
; ; ; (2023) Are futures markets functioning well for agricultural perishables? Evidence from China’s apple futures market. Agricultural Economics-Zemědělská Ekonomika 69 (12): 471-484.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility. International Migration 61 (5): 116-125.
; ; (2023) Societal dynamics of sustainability certification in Ghanaian cocoa producing communities: Assessing social cohesion effects and their implications for collective action. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47 (2): 212-238.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Alternative systems and strategies to improve future sustainability and resilience of farming systems across Europe: From adaptation to transformation. Land Use Policy 134: .
; ; (2023) Spatial transmission of price promotion for German beer retailers. Regional Studies 57 (10): 1967-1980.
; ; ; (2023) The impact of old-age pension on nutritional outcomes: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. Agribusiness: An International Journal 39 (S1): 1358-1381.
; (2023) Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension. Sociology of Health & Illness 45 (2): 331-345.
; ; ; (2023) Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy. European Management Journal 41 (2): 191-198.
; ; ; ; (2023) Crop diversification in the Aral Sea region: Long-term situation analysis. Sustainability 15 (13): .
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Actors and their roles for improving resilience of farming systems in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies 98: 134-146.