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; (2024) Systems of sustainability measurement in the agricultural sector (by the examples of RISE and Position Green). International Scientific Journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences" 81 (2): .
; (2024) Certification of compliance with sustainable development standards in the agricultural sector (the example of Dinak). Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: International Economic Relations and World Economy (51): 56-66.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Explaining the emergence of land-use frontiers. Royal Society Open Science 11 (7): .
; ; ; ; ; (2024) Understanding agricultural and tree plantation frontiers emergence in Southern and Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences 2 (1): 29-39.
; (2024) Trade-offs in stakeholder theory: An ordonomic perspective. Social Responsibility Journal 20 (5): 975-997.
; ; ; (2024) Green public procurement in the most visited European museums: A comparison and a mapping. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11: .
; ; ; ; ; (2024) Cross-sectoral collaboration in times of crisis: Comparing the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. Public Administration: .
; ; ; (2024) Historical institutionalism: A tool for researching the nonprofit sector in times of pandemic. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 37 (4): 926-940.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) An actor-centered, scalable land system typology for addressing biodiversity loss in the world’s tropical dry woodlands. Global Environmental Change 86: .
; ; ; (2024) Willing unwillingness. A Luhmannian perspective on followership and leadership in organizations. Systems Research and Behavioral Science: .
; ; ; (2024) Higher crop rotational diversity in more simplified agricultural landscapes in Northeastern Germany. Landscape Ecology 39 (4): .
; ; ; (2024) The circular economy rebound effect: Reconceptualizing rebound approaches and mitigation opportunities from an ordonomic perspective. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28 (3): 374-385.
; ; ; ; (2024) Stakeholder governance to facilitate collaboration for a systemic circular economy transition: A qualitative study in the European chemicals and plastics industry. Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (3): 2173-2192.