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; ; (2006) Agriculture on the move: exploring regional differences in farm exit rates. Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft = Review of regional research 06 (26): 103-118.
; (2006) Public goods and rural development in Poland. Rural Areas and Development 4: 7-31.
; (2006) A theoretical framework of chain management. Journal on Chain and Network Science 6 (2): 64-79.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2006) CAP-Reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg. Agrarwirtschaft 55 (5/6): 268-279.
(2006) Aktywnosc obywatelska na wsi - studium przypadku czterech wsi na Podlasiu [Civic participation in rural areas - case study of four villages in Podlasie region]. Zeszyty naukowe Szkoly Glównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie (59): 121-137.
; (2006) Efficiency and productivity analysis of farms in East and West Germany after the German reunification. Empirical Economics Letters 5 (4): 183-193.
; (2006) Development of households plots in the process of Ukrainian transition. Agrarwirtschaft 55 (2): 100-111.
(2006) Kreowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej - analiza polskich spóldzielni mleczarskich [Building a comparative advantage - the case of the Polish dairy cooperatives]. SERiA - The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 8 (2): 167-171.
(2006) Bündelung der Kräfte ist schwierig - Der Wandel der Fleischwirtschaft in Bulgarien, Polen und Rumänien. Fleischwirtschaft 86 (3): 67-68.
; ; (2006) Stochastic efficiency measurement: the curse of theoretical consistency. Journal of Applied Economics 9 (1): 139-165.
; (2006) Toward an institutional analysis of farm income stabilization. Acta oeconomica et informatica 9 (2): 50-57.
(2006) Toward an Economic Interpretation of the Nondistribution Constraint. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law 9 (1): 60-71.
(2006) The logic of the nonprofit sector: an organisational economics perspective. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 29 (2): 214-226.
(2006) Rural partnership as a governance mechanism: towards an organizational economic perspective on rural governance. Journal of Rural Development (Seoul) 28: 159-183.
(2006) Russia's way from planning toward a market: a success story? Post-Communist Economies 18 (2): 123-138.
; ; (2006) The impact of social capital Polish farm incomes: findings of an empirical survey. Post-Communist Economies 18 (1): 85-99.