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Müller, Daniel; Mburu, John (2009) Forecasting hotspots of forest clearing in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management 257 (3): 968-977.
Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr; Grings, Michael (2009) Econometric estimation of market power in the milk processing industry. Konkurentsiia. Visnyk Antymonopol'noho komitetu Ukrainy (2): 21-28.
Petrick, Martin; Carter, Michael R. (2009) Critical Masses in the Decollectivisation of Post-Soviet Agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 36 (2): 231-252.
Piorr, Annette; Ungaro, Fabrizio; Ciancaglini, Arianna; Happe, Kathrin; Sahrbacher, Amanda; Sattler, Claudia; Uthes, Sandra; Zander, Peter (2009) Integrated assessment of future CAP policies: land use changes, spatial patterns and targeting. Environmental Science and Policy 12 (8): 1122-1136.
Rewerts, Astrid; Hanf, Jon Henrich (2009) Warum kaufen wir? Werte als Auslöser von Konsumentscheidungen bei Lebensmitteln. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 87 (3): 353-544.
Rungsuriyawiboon, Supawat; Wang, Xiaobing (2009) Agricultural productivity growth in traditional and transitional economies in Asia. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 23 (2): 52-72.
Sahrbacher, Christoph; Jelinek, Ladislav; Kellermann, Konrad; Medonos, Tomas (2009) Past and future effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Czech Republic. Post-Communist Economies 21 (4): 495-511.
Schaft, Franziska; Balmann, Alfons (2009) 20 Years of Transition in Agriculture: What has been achieved? Where are we heading? Agrarwirtschaft 58 (7): 324-325.
Sikor, Thomas; Müller, Daniel (2009) The Limits of State-Led Land Reform: An Introduction. World Development 37 (8): 1307-1316.
Sikor, Thomas; Müller, Daniel; Stahl, Johannes (2009) Land Fragmentation and Cropland Abandonment in Albania: Implications for the Roles of State and Community in Post-Socialist Land Consolidation. World Development 37 (8): 1411-1423.
Sun, Zhanli; Deal, Brian; Varkki, Pallathucheril (2009) The land-use evolution and impact assessment model: A comprehensive urban planning support system. URISA Journal 21 (1): 57-68.
Valentinov, Vladislav (2009) Managerial nonpecuniary preferences in the market failure theories of nonprofit organization. International Journal of Social Economics 36 (1-2): 81-92.
Valentinov, Vladislav; Fritzsch, Jana (2009) Economics of rural governance: a property rights perspective. Outlook on Agriculture 38 (3): 243-248.
Valentinov, Vladislav (2009) Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective. Agricultural and Food Science 18 (1): 3-15.
Valentinov, Vladislav (2009) The German Gemeinwirtschaftslehre: implications for modern nonprofit economics. Regulation and Governance 3 (2): 186-195.
Valentinov, Vladislav (2009) Mapping the third sector in John R. Commons’ typology of transactions. Journal of Economic Issues 43 (4): 917-930.
Wettstein, Nadine; Brosig, Stephan; Glauben, Thomas; Hanf, Jon Henrich; Loy, Jens-Peter (2009) Do Private Labels Generate Loyalty? Empirical Evidence for German Frozen Pizza. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12 (4): 165-180.
Wolz, Axel; Kopsidis, Michael; Reinsberg, Klaus (2009) The Transformation of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in East Germany and Their Future. Journal of Rural Co-operation 37 (1): 5-19.
Ziamtsou, Siarhei; Filiptsou, Andrey (2009) Kalibrovka funkcii rashodov i pribyli v modeli casticnogo ravnovesija Bel-ASiM: teoreticeskij aspect. Übers.: Calibration of expenditure and profit functions in partial equilibrium model Bel-ASiM: theoretical aspect. Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (4): 52-58.
Ziamtsou, Siarhei; Filiptsou, Andrey (2009) Koncepcija modeli casticnogo ravnovesija agrarnogo sektora Respubliki Belarus (Bel-ASiM). Übers.: Conception of belarussian partial agricultural sector model (Bel-ASiM). Vestnik Belorusskoj gosudarstvennoj sel´skochozjajstvennoj akademii (2): 37-40.