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; ; ; ; (2010) Semi-subsistence farming, farm income and social capital in Bulgaria - Is there a link? Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 49 (4): 285-298.
; (2010) The Transformation of Agricultural Producer Cooperatives - The Case of Vietnam. Journal of Rural Co-operation 38 (2): 117-133.
; ; (2010) Property rights to land and its perception in rural part of central Albania. New Medit 9 (3): 56-65.
; ; (2010) Network Governance at the Firm and Network Level: Goals, Routines, and Social Mechanisms. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 1 (4): 342-351.
; ; ; (2009) Market power on the edge? An analysis of the German and Hungarian hog markets. Agrarwirtschaft 58 (8): 337-345.
; ; ; (2009) A teljes tényezős termelékenység változásának forrásai a magyar mezőgazdaságban (2001-2006). Statisztikai Szemle 87 (5): 471-492.
; (2009) A Multi-theoretical Perspective on Power in Managing Interorganizational Relationships. International Journal of Social Economics 36 (11): 1040-1049.
; ; (2009) Measuring Asymmetrical Power Distribution in Supply Chain Networks: What is the Appropriate Method? Journal of Relationship Marketing 8 (2): 165 - 193.
; (2009) The Two Sides of Power in Business-to-Business Relationships: Implications for Supply Chain Management. Marketing Review 9 (4): 361-381.
; ; ; (2009) Impacts of Decoupled Agricultural Support on Farm Structure, Biodiversity and Landscape Mosaic: Some EU Results. Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (3): 563 - 585.
; ; (2009) 20 years of transition in the agri-food sector. Agrarwirtschaft 58 (7): 285-293.
; (2009) Structural Change in Rural Croatia - Is Early Retirement An Option? International Advances in Economic Research 15 (1): 125-137.
; (2009) Laptop, livestock drawings and ricewine: A demand analysis for livestock insurance in Northern Vietnam. Savings and Development 33 (1): 41-60.
; (2009) Impact of Retail Internationalization on Agribusiness: The Case of Ukraine. Journal of East-West business 15 (2): 96-118.
; (2009) Rol' vertykal'noї koordynaciї u zbalansuvanni mižgaluzevych vidnosyn v APK. Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky 10 (9): 250-259.
; ; ; (2009) Vertical Coordination with Growers in the Supermarket Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Supply Chain in Croatia. Agrarwirtschaft 58 (8): 365-372.