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Ayrapetyan, David; Befort, Nicolas; Hermans, Frans (2025) From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics. Research Policy 54 (1): .
Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush; Glauben, Thomas; Götz, Linde; Svanidze, Miranda; Prehn, Sören (2025) The stability of the global wheat trade in the post-Soviet space: A trade duration approach. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (3): .
Jantsch, Antje; Piper, Alan (2025) A reconsideration of the relationship between town size and well-being in Latin America. Applied Research in Quality of Life: .
Khodjaev, Shovkat; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Kuhn, Lena; Glauben, Thomas (2025) Optimizing machine learning models for wheat yield estimation using a comprehensive UAV dataset. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 11 (1): .
Kurbanov, Zafar; Djanibekov, Nodir; Herzfeld, Thomas (2025) Land property rights and investment incentives in movable farm assets: Evidence from post-Soviet Central Asia. Comparative Economic Studies: .
Mao, Hui; Sun, Zhenkai; Chai, Anyuan; Fang, Lan; Shi, Chaoqian (2025) Extreme weather, agricultural insurance and farmer's climate adaptation technologies adoption in China. Ecological Economics 228: .
Rakhmetov, Rustam; Herzfeld, Thomas (2025) Do bigger farms suffer less from corruption? Anti-corruption efforts and the recorvery of livestock production. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change: .
Ren, Yanjun; Liu, Qi; Wu, Guanzhang; Loy, Jens-Peter (2025) Consumer preferences for sugar-sweetened beverages: Evidence rom online surveys and laboratory eye-tracking choice experiments. Food Policy 130: .
Alpuche Álvarez, Yair Asael; Rudbeck Jepsen, Martin; Müller, Daniel; Rasmussen, Laura Vang; Sun, Zhanli (2024) Unraveling the complexity of land use change and path dependency in agri-environmental schemes for small farmers: A serious game approach. Land Use Policy 139: .
Ana, Daniela (2024) Nature’s value: Evidencing a Moldovan terroir through scientific infrastructures. Ethnos 89 (2): 237-252.
Ana, Daniela; Voicu, Stefan (2024) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz: Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. South East Europe Review (SEER): Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 26 (2): 227-248.
Arapi-Gjini, Arjola; Möllers, Judith; Herzfeld, Thomas (2024) Remitted euros are not equal: The complex spending behaviour of Kosovar households. International Migration 62 (6): 255-275.
Babadjanova, Mashkhura; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Bekchanov, Maksud; Kuhn, Lena; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Can domestic wheat farming meet the climate change-induced challenges of national food security in Uzbekistan? International Journal of Water Resources Development 40 (3): 448-462.
Beadle, Brian; Brosig, Stephan; Wunder, Christoph (2024) An application of item response theory for agricultural sustainability measurement. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics: 1-29.
Bilal, Muhammad; Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush (2024) Barriers to the adoption of multiple agricultural innovations: Insights from Bt cotton, wheat seeds, herbicides and no-tillage in Pakistan. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 22 (1): .
Bilal, Muhammad; Tadjiev, Abdusame; Djanibekov, Nodir (2024) The adoption of cotton combine services and farm technical efficiency: Evidence from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies: .
Bumane, Inga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Hura, Nadiia; Metelytsia, Volodymyr; Otenko, Iryna; Bialoshytskyi, Mykhailo (2024) Financing the implementation of HR engineering in manufacturing enterprises in the context of the country's digital economy formation. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 5 (58): 522-533.
Cechura, Lukás; Samoggia, Antonella; Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush (2024) Concentration, market imperfections, and interbranch organization in the Italian processed tomato supply chain. Agricultural Economics 55 (4): 603-620.
Chen, Jiao; Ren, Yanjun; Glauben, Thomas; Li, Lei (2024) The effect of income distribution on diet-related environmental footprints: Evidence from urban China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 68 (2): 483-502.
Chen, Xuan; Zhen, Shihang; Li, Shaoting; Yang, Jieyu; Ren, Yanjun (2024) Consumers' willingness to pay for carbon-labeled agricultural products and its effect on greenhouse gas emissions: Evidence from beef products in urban China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 106: .