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; (2011) Agrar- und Umweltpolitiken aus institutioneller Sicht: eine ex-ante Methode zur Politikbewertung. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (3): 186-199.
; ; (2011) Organic food consumers' trade-offs between local or imported, conventional or organic products: a qualitative study in Shanghai. International Journal of Consumer Studies 35 (6): 670-678.
; (2011) Do Institutional Incentives Matter for Farmers to Join Cooperatives: A Comparison of Two Chinese Regions. Journal of Rural Co-operation 39 (1): 1-18.
(2011) Perceived power resources in situations of collective action. Water Alternatives 4 (1): 86-103.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2011) Regional impacts of abolishing direct payments: An integrated analysis in four European regions. Agricultural Systems 104 (2): 110-121.
(2011) Third sector organizations in rural development: reply. Agricultural and Food Science 20 (1): 117-118.
(2011) Business groups and competition in post-Soviet transition economies: The case of Russian “agroholdings”. Review of Austrian Economics 24 (4): 403-450.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2011) What is keeping the poor out of college?: Enrollment Rates, Educational Barriers and College Matriculation in China. China Agricultural Economic Review 3 (2): 131-149.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2011) College education and the poor in China: documenting the hurdles to educational attainment and college matriculation. Asia Pacific Education Review 12 (4): 533-546.
; ; ; ; ; (2011) Administering the Common Agricultural Policy in Bulgaria and Romania: obstacles to accountability and administrative capacity. International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (3): 583-608.
; ; (2011) Unshakable loyalty in the food sector: Sustainable customer retention. Empirical study of organic food consumers in Germany. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 6 (3): 359-365.
; ; (2011) Bio-energy and Rural Development: Findings from a Comparative Study in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. South East European Journal of Economics and Business 6 (2): 7-16.
(2011) Institutioneller Wandel der Agrarverwaltung und Agrarverbände in Ostdeutschland vor und nach der Wiedervereinigung. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 89 (3): 455-477.
; ; ; (2011) The Impact of Land Reallocation on Technical Efficiency - Evidence from China. Agricultural Economics 42 (4): 495-507.