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; ; ; ; (2012) Proximate causes of deforestation in the Bolivian lowlands: an analysis of spatial dynamics. Regional Environmental Change 12 (3): 445-459.
; ; ; ; (2012) Effects of institutional changes on land use: agricultural land abandonment during the transition from state-command to market-driven economies in post-Soviet Eastern Europe. Environmental Research Letters 7 (2)
; ; ; (2012) The effect of Landsat ETM/ETM+ image acquisition dates on the detection of agricultural land abandonment in Eastern Europe. Remote Sensing of Environment 126: 195-209.
; ; ; ; (2012) The impact of institutional and socio-economic changes after the collapse of the USSR on agricultural land use in Eastern Europe. Earth from Space – the Most Effective Solutions (14): 7-14.
; ; (2012) Do Connections Matter? Individual Social Capital and Credit Constraints in Vietnam. European Journal of Development Research 24 (3): 337-358.
; ; (2012) The Russian Food, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption Patterns during Transition. Collegium Antropologicum 36 (4): 1143 -1154.
; ; ; ; (2012) Capping Direct Payments in the CAP: Another Paper Tiger? EuroChoices 11 (3): 10-15.
; (2012) Agricultural Cooperative Development in China and Vietnam since Decollectivization: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach. Journal of Rural Co-operation 40 (2): 239-257.
(2012) Understanding the rural third sector: insights from Veblen and Bogdanov. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Management Science 41 (1/2): 177-188.
(2012) Toward a critical systems perspective on the nonprofit sector. Systemic Practice and Action Research 25 (4): 355-364.
(2012) Property rights problems of agricultural cooperatives: a heterodox institutionalist perspective. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (3): 139-147.
; ; (2012) Technical Efficiency and Producers’ Individual Technology: Accounting for Within and Between Regional Farm Heterogeneity. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (4): 561-576.