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Hasenkamp, Miao-ling (2024) Renegotiating the city: Refugee resettlement between surveillance, austerity, and activism in German urban communities. Globalizations 21 (2): 226-252.
Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush; Johansen, Ulf; Thakur, Maitri; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Salmon trade duration: The application of firm‐level trade transaction data from the Norwegian salmon industry. Agribusiness: An International Journal 40 (2): 325-348.
Jänicke, Clemens; Müller, Daniel (2024) Revealing agricultural land ownership concentration with cadastral and company network data. Agriculture and Human Values
Jänicke, Clemens; Wesemeyer, Maximilian; Chiarella, Cristina; Lakes, Tobia; Levers, Christian; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Müller, Daniel; Pratzer, Marie; Rufin, Philippe (2024) Can we estimate farm size from field size? An empirical investigation of the field size to farm size relationship. Agricultural Systems 220
Jantsch, Antje; Buchenrieder, Gertrud; Dufhues, Thomas; Möllers, Judith (2024) Social comparisons under pandemic stress: Income reference groups, comparison patterns, and the subjective well-being of German students. Journal of Happiness Studies 25
Jauernig, Johanna; Uhl, Matthias; Pies, Ingo (2024) When Goliath sells to David: Explaining price gouging perceptions through power. Public Choice
Kabirigi, Michel; Hermans, Frans; Sun, Zhanli; Gaidashova, Svetlana V.; McCampbell, Mariette; Adewopo, Julius; Schut, Marc (2024) Using farm typology to understand banana Xanthomonas wilt management in Rwanda. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences 96 (1)
Kabirigi, Michel; Adewopo, Julius; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2024) Opinion leaders’ influence on knowledge transmission about crop diseases management: Exploring the attributes that matter to followers. Outlook on Agriculture
Khodjaev, Shovkat; Kuhn, Lena; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Combining multiple UAV-based indicators for wheat yield estimation, a case study from Germany. European Journal of Remote Sensing 57 (1)
Khodjaev, Shovkat; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Kuhn, Lena; Glauben, Thomas (2024) An accuracy assessment of satellite-based cotton yield estimation using panel data regression: A case study of Uzbekistan. Environment, Development and Sustainability
Kimsanova, Barchynai; Sanaev, Golib; Herzfeld, Thomas (2024) Dynamics of food demand during political instability: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. Agricultural Economics 55 (1): 41-53.
Kimsanova, Barchynai; Umirbekov, Atabek; Herzfeld, Thomas; Müller, Daniel (2024) Heterogeneous effects of weather extremes on different dimensions of poverty in Kyrgyzstan. Environmental Research Letters 19 (1)
Kryshtal, Halyna; Tomakh, Victoriia; Ivanova, Tetiana; Metelytsia, Volodymyr; Yermolaieva, Maryna; Panin, Yevgen (2024) Eco-innovative transformation of the urban infrastructure of Ukraine on the way to post-war recovery. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 2 (55): 391-408.
Kuhn, Lena; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Moritz, Laura (2024) Being well-in with the Joneses? A lab-in-the-field experiment on conspicuous consumption among rural communities. Journal of Development Studies 60 (6): 956-974.
Kvartiuk, Vasyl; Bukin, Eduard; Herzfeld, Thomas (2024) For whoever has will be given more? Land rental decisions and technical efficiency in Ukraine. Land Use Policy 146
Leisenheimer, Leonie; Wellmann, Thilo; Jänicke, Clemens; Haase, Dagmar (2024) Monitoring drought impacts on street trees using remote sensing - Disentangling temporal and species-specific response patterns with Sentinel-2 imagery. Ecological Informatics 82
Levers, Christian; Piquer-Rodríguez, Maria; Gollnow, Florian; Baumann, Matthias; Camino, Micaela; Gasparri, Nestor Ignacio; Gavier-Pizarro, Gregorio; le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Müller, Daniel; Nori, Javier; Pötzschner, Florian; Romero-Muñoz, Alfredo; Kuemmerle, Tobias (2024) What is still at stake in the Gran Chaco? Social-ecological impacts of alternative land-system futures in a global deforestation hotspot. Environmental Research Letters 19 (6)
Li, Shaoting; Chen, Xuan; Ren, Yanjun; Glauben, Thomas (2024) The impact of demographic dynamics on food consumption and its environmental outcomes: Evidence from China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23 (2): 414-429.
Li, Jiajia; Li, Jun; Zhang, Jian (2024) Can digitalization facilitate low carbon lifestyle? --Evidence from households' embedded emissions in China. Technology in Society 76
Li, Shaoting; Mu, Na; Ren, Yanjun; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Spatiotemporal characteristics of cultivated land use eco-efficiency and its influencing factors in China from 2000 to 2020. Journal of Arid Land 16 (3): 396-414.