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(2009) Strukturwandel im Land der Mitte - die Bauern halten nicht Schritt. ForschungsReport Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Verbraucherschutz (2): 4-7.
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; (2009) Structural change in Europe´s rural regions. Farm livelihoods between subsistence orientation, modernisation and non-farm diversification. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 49, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; ; (Hg.) (2009) 20 Years of Transition in the Agri-Food Sector - Analyses of Markets and Policies, PART 1. Agrarwirtschaft, Vol. 58, No. 7.
; ; (Hg.) (2009) 20 Years of Transition in the Agri-Food Sector - Analyses of Markets and Policies, PART 2. Agrarwirtschaft, Vol. 58, No. 8.
(2009) Eine Analyse der Transformationsberatung für die 'kollektive Landwirtschaft' während der ersten Transformationsphase (1989-1991) am Beispiel Ostdeutschlands: Lehren für Korea. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 47, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; ; ; ; ; ; (2009) Impacts of three direct payment options on farm structure, economic performance and production pattern: Results from the MEA-Scope case study in Italy. In: Piorr, A., Müller, K. (eds.): Rural landscapes and agricultural policies in Europe, 255-268: Springer.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2009) Scaling from farm to landscape. In: Piorr, A., Müller, K. (eds.): Rural landscapes and agricultural policies in Europe, 175-189: Springer.
; ; ; ; (2009) Validation of an agent-based, spatio-temporal model for farming in the River Gudenå landscape. Results from the MEA-Scope case study in Denmark. In: Piorr, A., Müller, K. (eds.): Rural landscapes and agricultural policies in Europe, 239-254: Springer.
; ; (2009) Recreating context in spatial modelling of agricultural landscapes. In: Piorr, A., Müller, K. (eds.): Rural landscapes and agricultural policies in Europe, 143-156: Springer.