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; ; ; ; (2010) Reforestation in Central and Eastern Europe after the breakdown of socialism. In: Southworth, J., Nagendra, H. (eds.): Reforesting Landscapes: Linking Pattern and Process. (Landscape Series , Vol. 10), 121-147: Springer.
(2010) Estimating the Demand for Sensory Quality - Theoretical Considerations and an Empirical Application to Specialty Coffee. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 59 (3): 173-186.
(2010) Geographical Indications of Origin as a Tool of Product Differentiation - The Case of Coffee. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 22 (3&4): 277-298.
(2010) Institutional Challenges for National Groundwater Governance: Policies and Issues. Groundwater 48 (1): 131-142.
; ; (2010) The Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment: Ex-ante Policy Assessment from an Institutional Perspective. Journal of Institutional Economics 6 (3): 377-399.
; ; ; ; ; (2010) The Institutional Dimension in Policy Assessment. In: Brou­wer, Floor M., It­ter­sum, Mar­tin K. (Hrsg.): Environmental and Agricultural Modeling: Integrated Apporaches for Policy Impact Assessment­, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 37-59: Springer.
; ; (2010) PICA, A Method of ex-ante Policy Analysis. In: Jens-Peter Loy, Rolf A.E. Müller (Hrsg.): Agrar- und Ernährungsmärkte nach dem Boom, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. Band 45, Münster- Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 457-458: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup.
(2010) Politik alleine kann nicht helfen. Neue Landwirtschaft (4): 74-76.
; ; (2010) Latvian Co-operatives: Agents of Vertical Coordination? Journal of Co-operative Studies 43 (2): 16-23.
; ; (2010) How Farmers Become Entrepreneurs - Prenatal Diagnostic of Rural Firms in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.