IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector
In der Reihe IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector erscheinen Monografien und Tagungsberichte zu agrarökonomischen Fragestellungen in Transformationsländern. Wissenschaftler:innen, die in diesem Bereich forschen, steht die Reihe als Diskussionsforum offen.
Liste der IAMO Studies
Elsner, Karin (2001) Food consumption in Russia : An econometric analysis based on household data. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 11, Kiel: IAMO.
Wandel, Jürgen (2001) Landwirtschaft und Industrie in Rußland - der Transformationsprozeß in der Enrährungsindustrie : Eine Analyse im Lichte des Structure-Conduct-Performance-Ansatzes. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 10, Kiel: IAMO.
Tillack, Peter; Schulze, Eberhard (2000) Land ownership, land markets and their influence on the efficiency of agricultural production in Central and Eastern Europe. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 9, Kiel: IAMO.
Poganietz, Witold-Roger; Zezza, Alberto; Frohberg, Klaus; Stamoulis, Kostas G. (2000) Perspectives on agriculture in transition: Analytical issues, modelling approaches, and case study results. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 8, Kiel: IAMO.
Tillack, Peter; Pirscher, Frauke (2000) Конкурентоспособность сельскохозяйственных предприятий и фермерской деятельности в странах переходного пероида. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 7, Kiel: IAMO.
Tillack, Peter; Pirscher, Frauke (2000) Competitiveness of agricultural enterprises and farm activities in transition countries. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 6, Kiel: IAMO.
Fock, Achim (2000) Integrating Estonia into the EU: Quantitative analysis of the agricultural and food sector. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 5, Kiel: IAMO.
Brosig, Stephan (2000) Die private Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln im Transformationsprozess Tschechiens und Polens. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 4, Kiel: IAMO.
Hartmann, Monika; Wandel, Jürgen (1999) Food processing and distribution in transition countries: Problems and perspectives. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 3, Kiel: IAMO.
Frohberg, Klaus; Weingarten, Peter (1999) The significance of politics and institutions for the design and formation of agricultural policies. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 2, Kiel: IAMO.