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IAMO Discussion Papers

Die IAMO Discussion Papers sind vorläufige, intern begutachtete Berichte, die über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse informieren. Die in dieser Publikationsreihe geäußerten Meinungen spiegeln nicht notwendigerweise die des IAMO wider. Kommentare sind erwünscht. Bitte richten Sie diese direkt an die Autoren.

Liste der IAMO Discussion Papers

; (2019) Technischer Fortschritt in der Landwirtschaft und Agrarpreise. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 191, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
(2019) Сектор животноводства в Таджикистане: Проблемы устойчивого и сбалансированного развития (Livestock sector in Tajikistan: Problems of sustainable and balanced development). IAMO Discussion Paper No. 190, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; ; (2019) Реструктуризация сектора животноводства в Туркменистане (Restructuring of livestock sector in Turkmenistan). IAMO Discussion Paper No. 189, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Проблемы и перспективы развития животноводства в Узбекистане (Problems and prospects for livestock development in Uzbekistan). IAMO Discussion Paper No. 188, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Spatial market efficiency of grain markets in Russia and global food security: A comparison with the USA. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 187, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Welfare effects of land market liberalization scenarios in Ukraine: Evidence-based economic perspective. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 186, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Besonderheiten der landwirtschaftlichen Kreditmärkte. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 185, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Besonderheiten der landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmärkte. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 184, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; ; ; (2019) Food security and the functioning of wheat markets in Eurasia: A comparative price transmission analysis for the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 183, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
; (2019) Trade and dietary diversity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 182, Halle (Saale): IAMO.