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; ; (2023) Genetically engineered foods and moral absolutism: A representative study from Germany. Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (5)
; ; ; (2023) Human-made disaster in a decentralized context: How Czech municipalities are dealing with the Ukrainian crisis. Public Money & Management 43 (4): 367-369.
; ; ; (2023) The use of mobile phones and the heterogeneity of banana farmers in Rwanda. Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (6): 5315–5335.
; ; (2023) The green-restructuring of clusters: Investigating a biocluster's transition using a complex adaptive system model. European Planning Studies 31 (9): 1842-1867.
; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Climate-related risk modeling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) disease incidence within cropland area of Rwanda. Plant Disease 107 (7): 2017–2026.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan. Scientific Data 10
; ; ; (2023) The effect of internet use on males' body index and overweight: Evidence from China. Journal of Men's Health 19 (12): 11-22.