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Thomas Dufhues

Dr. Thomas Dufhues

Dr. Thomas Dufhues

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; ; ; ; ; (2024) Migrant agency in an institutional context: The Akmola-Astana migration system. Europe-Asia Studies 76 (3): 433-460.

; ; ; ; (2023) Don’t look up! Individual income comparisons and subjective well-being of students in Thailand. Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2): 477-503.

; ; ; ; (2022) Producer organisations in an export-oriented value chain: What motivates small-scale farmers in Kosovo to collaborate? European Countryside 14 (2): 379 - 396.

; ; (2022) Understanding the market potential of products from alternative food networks in a transition economy - A discrete choice experiment. British Food Journal 124 (13): 183-199.

; ; (2021) Exploring policy options in regulating rural–urban migration with a Bayesian Network: A case study in Kazakhstan. European Journal of Development Research 33 (3): 553-577.

; ; ; ; (2021) Why villagers stay put – A structural equation model on staying intentions. Journal of Rural Studies 81: 345-357.

; ; ; ; (2020) Return to the countryside: The return intentions of highly educated young people in the Akmola province of northern Kazakhstan. Population, Space and Place 26 (2): 1-14.

; ; ; (2017) Participatory local governance and cultural practices in Thailand. Cogent Social Sciences (3): 1-19.

; ; (2017) The effects of rules on local political decision-making processes: How can rules facilitate participation? Policy Sciences 50 (4): 675–696.

; ; ; (2017) Payments for ecosystem services and agricultural intensification: Evidence from a choice experiment on deforestation in Zambia. Ecological Economics 141: 95-105.

; ; (2016) Individual social capital and access to rural services in Northern Vietnam. International Journal of Social Economics 43 (4): 363-381.

; ; (2015) The political economy of decentralization inThailand: how past and present decentralization affects rural actors' participation. European Journal of Development Research 27 (5): 793-810.

; ; (2013) Social capital and market imperfections - Accessing formal credit in Thailand. Oxford Development Studies 41 (1): 54-75.

; ; (2012) Social capital and loan repayment performance in Northern Vietnam. Agricultural Economics 43 (3): 277-292.

; ; (2012) Do Connections Matter? Individual Social Capital and Credit Constraints in Vietnam. European Journal of Development Research 24 (3): 337-358.

; ; ; (2011) Network based social capital and individual loan repayment performance. Journal of Development Studies 47 (8): 1199-1215.

; ; ; (2011) Social capital and loan repayment performance in Southeast Asia. Journal of Socio-Economics 40 (5): 679-691.

; ; ; (2010) Risk-Management Networks of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam. Asia-Pacific Development Journal 17 (2): 93-118.

; ; (2008) Universal healthcare demand in rural northern Thailand: Gender and ethnicity. Asia-Pacific Development Journal 15 (1): 65-92.

Artikel (nicht referiert)

(2009) Buchbesprechung: Hulme, David and Thankom, Arun (eds.) (2009): Microfinance: A Reader. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 48 (4): 392.

; (2007) Buchrezension zu Tazul Islam (2006): Microcredit and Poverty Allevitation. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 46 (4): 426-428.


; ; ; (2006) Tài chinh vo mo (Microfinance - Theory, research methodology and application). Hanoi: Agricultural Publishing House.

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

; ; ; ; ; (2011) Rural Livelihoods in Transition: Structural Change beyond Agriculture. In: Möllers, J., Buchenrieder, G., and C. Csaki (Hrsg.): Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods - Policy Implications for the New Member States of the European Union, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 61, Halle (Saale): Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 110-130: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; (2007) Reaching the poorest with microcredit an impossible attempt? New evidence from Northern Vietnam. In: Kuhlmann, F., Schmitz. P-M- (Hrsg.): Good Governance in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. Bd. 42, 2007, 46. Jahrestagung der Gewisola, Gießen, 4.-6. Oktober 2006, 339-346: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup.

; ; ; (2007) Sustainable and less sustainable developments in the rural financial market of Northern Vietnam. In: Heidhues, F., Herrmann, L., Neef, A., Neidhart, S., Sruamsiri, P. Dao Chau Thu, Valle Zárate, A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land use in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia: Meeting the challenges of ecological, socio-economic and cultural diversity, 335-352: Springer.

; (2006) Open issues and implications for measuring individual social capital in developing countries. In: Buchenrieder, G., Dufhues, T., (Hrsg.): Making rural households' livelihood more resilient - The importance of social capital and the underlying social networks (Proceedings), Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 34, Halle(Saale), 24-41: IAMO Eigenverlag.

IAMO Discussion Paper

; ; (2006) Social capital and rural development: Literature review and current state of the art. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 96, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

IAMO Studies

(2007) Accessing rural finances - The rural financial market in Northern Vietnam. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 36, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; (2006) Making rural households' livelihood more resilient - The importance of capital and the underlying social networks (proceedings). Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 34, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Weitere Publikationen

; ; ; ; (2021) What motivates commercial small-scale farmers to collaborate? Modelling the intention to join a producer organisation. IAAE.

; ; ; (2021) Rural-urban migration and remittances in the Akmola province (Northern Kazakhstan). SowiDataNet|datorium.

; ; ; (2010) Putting All the Eggs in one Basket? Diversification Strategies in Rural Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.


; ; ; (2023) Receiving remittances and subjective well-being in Moldova. Rennes, Frankreich, 29.08.2023 - 01.09.2023.

; ; ; (2011) The Political Economy of Decentralization in Thailand - Does Decentralization Allow for Rural Peasant Participation? Zürich, Schweiz, 30.08.2011 - 02.09.2011.

; ; ; (2006) Individual social capital - A structural approach notification. Bonn, Deutschland, 11.10.2006 - 13.10.2006.


; ; (2023) Intangible remittance transfer to rural Kosovo: Between mistrust and innovation. TraFFF Second Thematic Workshop - Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia: Tracing Trust and Innovation, Frankfurt (Oder), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2023) Receiving remittances and subjective wellbeing in Moldova. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

; ; ; (2023) The COVID-19 pandemic, individual reference groups and subjective well-being. 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference "Towards a People-First Economy: A World to Win", Rotterdam, Niederlande.

; ; (2023) (In)tangible remittances: Acquisition, transmission, reception. TraFFF First Thematic Workshop - Migration and Development: Between Wishful Thinking and Practical Results, Belgrad, Republik Serbien.

; ; ; (2021) Farmers’ preferences towards extension services: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment. XVI EAAE Virtual Congress "Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; ; (2021) What motivates commercial small-scale farmers to collaborate? Modelling the intention to join a producer organisation. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; ; (2021) To whom do we compare ourselves? Empirical evidence on reference individuals from a student survey. BeWell Meeting 2021 : 2nd annual workshop on well-being research, Online, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2020) Less direct payments for an improved extension service?: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment. Envisioning the Future of Extension, Washington D.C., USA.

; ; ; (2019) Farmers` preferences towards extension services. Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Kosovo. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2019) Who do we compare ourselves to? Survey evidence on reference individuals. 17th annual conference of The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Granada, Spanien.

; ; ; (2018) Why smallholders join cooperatives - the case of Kosovar raspberry producers. World Food Day Colloquium 2018 "Cooperatives: essential for food security?!", Stuttgart, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2017) Internal migration in Kazakhstan: Agency and structure in the decision to stay. XXVII European Society For Rural Sociology Congress, Krakau, Polen.

; ; (2016) Internal migration in Kazakhstan: Connecting structure and agency. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2012) Individual social capital and access to formal credit in Thailand. 28th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: The Global Bio-economy, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien.

; ; (2012) Facilitating access to rural services in Vietnam: The invisible social capital link. 28th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: The Global Bio-economy, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien.

; ; (2010) Social capital and credit constraints: A case study from Vietnam. International Symposium on "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia", Hanoi, Vietnam.

; (2006) Open issues and implications for measuring individual social capital in developing countries. 26th Conference of the IAAE, Brisbane, Australien.

; (2006) Reaching the poorest with microcredit an impossible attempt? New evidence from Northern Vietnam. 46. Jahrestagung der GEWISOLA zum Thema: Good Governance in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Gießen, Deutschland.

(2006) Social capital and rural development research: Open issues and implications for Southeast Asia. 26th Conference of the IAAE, Brisbane, Australien.