Dr. Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
Dr. Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
Publikationen und Vorträge
Artikel (referiert)
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Brennan, Mark A. (2023) Young farmers in “The New World of Work”: The contribution of new media to the work engagement and professional identities. Rural Sociology 88 (2): 426-460.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lawson, Kati; Brennan, Mark A. (2023) An examination of digital empathy: When farmers speak for the climate through TikTok. Journal of Rural Studies 102: .
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Simoes, Francisco (2022) Becoming a young farmer in the digital age: An island perspective. Rural Sociology 87 (1): 144-185.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Brennan, Mark A. (2022) How digital communications contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: A review study focused on farming as a career option. Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4): 1491–1508.
Essakkat, Kaouter; Mattas, Konstandinos; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Baourakis, George (2021) Youth’s potential of adopting the Mediterranean diet lifestyle in response to climate change: Empirical study in Crete, Greece. New Medit 20 (5): 85-95.
Simoes, Francisco; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Mujčinović, Alen; Fernandes, Bernardo (2021) How to foster rural sustainability through farming workforce rejuvenation? Looking into involuntary newcomers' spatial (im)mobilities. Sustainability 13 (15): .
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2021) Gender and the environmental concerns of young farmers: Do young women farmers make a difference on family farms? Journal of Rural Studies 88: 71-82.
Bavorova, Miroslava; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Ponkina, Elena; Pilarova, Tereza (2020) How sources of agriculture information shape the adoption of reduced tillage practices? Journal of Rural Studies 79: 88-101.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2020) Public support effect on natural disaster management: A case study of ice storms in forests in Slovenia. Land Use Policy 95: .
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2019) The impact of green economy measures on rural employment: Green jobs in farms. Journal of Cleaner Production 208: 541-551.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava; Bednařiková, Zuzana; Ponkina, Elena (2019) “I Don’t Want to Work in Agriculture!” The Transition from Agricultural Education to the Labor Market in Rural Russia. Rural Sociology 84 (2): 315-349.
Bavorova, Miroslava; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lehberger, Mira (2016) Who buys from farmers' markets and farm shops: A case of Germany. International Journal of Consumer Studies 40 (1): 107-114.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2016) Sustainable participation behaviour in agri-environmental measures. Journal of Cleaner Production 138 (2): 47-58.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2016) Job access after leaving education: a comparative analysis of young women and men in rural Germany. Journal of Youth Studies 19 (10): 1355-1381.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava; Pirscher, Frauke (2015) Adoption of Agri-Environmental Measures by Organic Farmers: The Role of Interpersonal Communication. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 21 (2): 127-148.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2015) Farm size and participation in agri-environmental measures: Farm-level evidence from Slovenia. Land Use Policy 46 (5): 273-282.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Baqueiro, Omar (2015) Adaptation of a Microsimulation Model at the Municipality Level: Demographic and Employment Evolution in the Altmark Region of Germany. Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 91 (12): 1088-1103.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Kataria, Karin (2014) Economic crisis and labour force transition to inactivity: a comparative study in German rural and urban areas. Studies in Agricultural Economics 116 (1): 25-32.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava (2014) Innovation at Rural Entreprises: Results from a Survey of German Organic and Conventional Farmers. Technology and Innovation 16 (1): 3-17.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2014) GD Ürün Üretiminin Gelişmekte Olan Ülke Ekonomilerine Etkileri. Bilim ve Ütopya 20 (243): 18-23.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2014) Adoption of internal web technologies by OECD turkish government officials. International Journal of Managing Public Sector Information and Communication Technologies (IJMPICT) 5 (4): 1-16.
Artikel (nicht referiert)
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2024) Junge Landwirte auf Inseln in der EU: Landwirtschaft fernab vom Festland im digitalen Zeitalter. IAMO Jahreszahl 26: 97-106.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2024) Young farmers in the EU islands: Farming beyond the mainland in the digital age. IAMO Annual 26: 89-96.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Chaskin, Robert J.; Brennan, Mark A. (2024) How to raise career aspirations in farming via digital media: A closer look at social media savvy urban farmers. Urban Agriculture Magazine (41): 68-71.
Epstein, David; Curtiss, Jarmila; Gagalyuk, Taras; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2018) The factors of resilience of agricultural enterprises against external shocks (The case of Russia's Northwest). Problems of Economic Transition 60 (12): 883-906.
Bavorova, Miroslava; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lehberger, Mira (2017) Kunden kennen: Wer kauft beim Direktvermarkter und warum? Hof direkt : Zeitschrift für Direktvermarkter 27 (6): 56-57.
Gehrigk, Frederike; Aarnoudse, Eefje; Belyaeva, Maria; Chezhia, Giorgi; Djuric, Ivan; Gafarova, Gulmira; Grau, Aaron; Hankerson, Brett; Imamverdiyev, Nizami; Kuhn, Lena; Kvartiuk, Vasyl; Uhl, Kerstin Marit; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Vantomme, Katharina (2016) Zukunftsvisionen für den ländlichen Raum in Georgien: Bericht zur Doktorandenexkursion 2014. IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 73-83.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2016) Structural change in rural Europe: Land-use and labour behaviour. Halle (Saale): Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) .
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
Ferreira, Tatiana; Ellena, Adriano Mauro; Jonsson, Frida; Barbosa, Belém; Uyan-Semerci, Pinar; Tuna, Emelj; Kvieskienė, Giedrė; Marta, Elena; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria (2024) Building bridges: Community-based projects for participation and social inclusion of rural NEETs. In: Simões, F., Erdogan, E. (eds.): NEETs in European rural areas: Individual features, support systems and policy measures (SpringerBriefs in Sociology), 17-33: Springer.
Curtiss, Jarmila; Gagalyuk, Taras; Epstein, David; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2018) Russian farm economic resilience in the context of structural adjustments: The case of the Northwest Region and the 2008 economic crisis. In: Agrarian Perspectives XXVII. Food Safety – Food Security : Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference, 28-35: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
Epstein, David; Curtiss, Jarmila; Gagalyuk, Taras; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2018) Resilience of Agricultural Enterprises, Analysis of the Importance of Its Factors and Integration Processes (According to the Data of Northwest of Russia). In: Epomen Scientific Journal No. 15 (July 2018): Proceedings of the 14th International conference "Agrarian Economy of Russia: Problems and Vectors of Development", 243-275: Epomen Ltd.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava; Pirscher, Frauke (2013) Обоснование инновационных мер в области агроэкологической политики экофермерами Германии. In: International Scientific Conference Book dedicated to the 70th year of Altay State Agrarian University, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Agriculture of the Altai Republic, Barnaul, 54-68: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Agriculture of the Altai Republic.
Weitere Publikationen
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2024) Who wants to be a farmer on an island? Young farmers share career stories from Crete, Cyprus, and the Azores. The Greening Islands Foundation.
Flynn, Paul; Mujčinović, Alen; Ferreira, Tatiana; Bojnec, Stefan; Neagu, Gabriela; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Rocca, Antonella; Lendzhova, Vladislava; Bojadjieva, Daniela (2022) Challenges associated with formal education in rural areas.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2021) Young farmers' attitudes towards agri-environmental-climate measures: Do young women farmers make a difference? IAAE.
Bijttebier, Jo; Coopmans, Isabeau; Appel, Franziska; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Wauters, Erwin (2018) Report on current farm demographics and trends.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Balmann, Alfons; Appel, Franziska (2018) Dimensions of SURE-Farm farm typology for farm resilience assessments (Horizon 2020 SURE-Farm project public deliverables D1.3).
Bavorova, Miroslava; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lehberger, Mira (2015) Who buys from Farmers’ Markets and Farm Shops. Mailand, Italien, 08.08.2015 - 14.08.2015.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2024) Gender and environmental concerns of young farmers: A case study from Slovenia. IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2024) How to raise career aspirations in farming via digital media? A closer look at social media savvy urban farmers. Vorlesung: Umwelt-, Agrar- und Ernährungsethik, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2024) An examination of digital empathy: When farmers speak for the climate through TikTok. Vorlesung: Natürliche Ressourcen, Agrar- und Umweltpolitik I, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2023) Young farmers in “The New World of Work”. XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Crises and the futures of rural areas, Rennes, Frankreich.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lawson, Kati (2023) An examination of digital empathy: When farmers speak for the climate through TikTok. 17th Conference on Communication and Environment - "Many Voices, One planet: Accounting for the past and narrating sustainable futures", Harrisonburg, VA, USA.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Chaskin, Robert J.; Brennan, Mark A. (2023) The potential for online alternative food movement engagement as a means of achieving career orientation toward the farming profession. 2023 IASNR Conference - "Bridging the Gap between Research & Practice – Communicating & Collaborating with Practitioners", Portland, ME, USA.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Brennan, Mark A. (2023) How digital communications contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: A review study focused on farming as a career option. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2021) Becoming a young farmer: farming as a career option? International Forum "Food Policy, Rural Development and Gender Equality in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: Current Trends and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic", Moskau / Online, Russland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2021) Gender and the environmental concerns of young farmers: Do young women farmers make a difference on family farms? 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Simoes, Francisco (2021) Becoming a young farmer in the digital age. 15th ESA Conference 2021, Barcelona / Online, Spanien.
Pilarova, Tereza; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava (2020) Retirement and the digital age: A study on the online food shopping. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2020) The impact of green economy measures on rural employment. Joint Seminar "Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges For Rural NEETs", Lissabon, Portugal.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2020) Becoming a young farmer: an island perspective. Seminar at the University Institute of Lisbon, CIS-IUL - Centre for Social Research and Intervention (ECSH), Lissabon, Portugal.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2020) Becoming a young farmer in the digital age: Case studies on European islands. COST Action CA18213: RURAL NEET YOUTH Webinars Summer 2020, Online, Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2019) Recovering from the forest disaster: Do CAP payments matter under the absence of forest disaster payments? 172nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) seminar "Agricultural policy for the environment or environmental policy for agriculture", Brüssel, Belgien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2019) Rural youth's job access after leaving agricultural education. ESRS2019 - XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress "Rural futures in a complex world", Trondheim, Norwegen.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2019) Qualitative Survey Methods: "Young Farmers in the Digital Age" a short term research stay project at MAICh as an example. Qualitative Survey Methods, Chania, Griechenland.
Epstein, David; Gagalyuk, Taras; Curtiss, Jarmila; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2018) Factors of farm economic resilience in North-Western Russia. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Gagalyuk, Taras; Epstein, David; Curtiss, Jarmila; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2018) Exploring factors of farm resilience in Russia: Business group affiliation, location and ownership. 164th EAAE Seminar: Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains, Chania, Kreta, Griechenland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Balmann, Alfons; Appel, Franziska (2018) Dimensions of SURE-Farm farm typology for farm resilience assessments. SURE-Farm consortium meeting-April 2018, Madrid, Spanien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava; Pilarova, Tereza; Ponkina, Elena (2018) Soil degradation and ecosystem services provision by Russian farmers: what is the role of information sources? 164th EAAE Seminar: Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains, Chania, Kreta, Griechenland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bavorova, Miroslava; Bednařiková, Zuzana; Ponkina, Elena (2017) “I don’t want to work in agriculture!” Transition from agricultural education to labor market in rural Russia. XV EAAE Congress "Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society", Parma, Italien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2017) Agri-environmental measure and on-farm labour adjustment in the green economy. 18th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Skiathos, Griechenland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2016) Agri-environmental measures and on-farm labour use. 149th EAAE Seminar "Structural change in agri-food chains: new relations between farm sector, food industry and retail sector", Rennes, Frankreich.
Bavorova, Miroslava; Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Lehberger, Mira (2015) Who buys from Farmers’ Markets and Farm Shops: a case of Germany. 143rd Joint EAAE-AAEA Seminar: Consumer Behavior in Changing World, Neapel, Italien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2015) Who buys from farmers´ market and farm shops? 143rd Joint EAAE-AAEA Seminar: Consumer Behavior in Changing World, Neapel, Italien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2014) Farm land use size and adoption of agri-environmental mesaures. 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Portoroz, Sloveina, Slowenien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2014) Women labour force tranition in rural areas. Women in rural areas: labour markets, images, policies, Berlin, Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2013) Use of OECD information channels as a driver for international organisations effectiveness. XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Deutschland.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2013) Financial crises and rural labour force transition. 5th EAAE PhD Workshop, Leuven, Belgien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2012) The influance of communication frequency on the innovation adoption behaviour. Agrarian Perspectives XXI. and 131st EAAE Seminar Innovation for agricultural competitiveness and sustainability of rural areas, Prag, Tschechische Republik.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay (2011) Impact of local cooperation action amongst farmers and other stakeholders on multifunctional land use. ESSA Summer School, Guilford, Großbritannien.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Baqueiro, Omar (2010) Labour Force Transition in Germany: Adopting a micro simulation model. PRIMA Internal project meeting, Newcastle, Großbritannien.