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Daniela Schimming

Daniela Schimming

Daniela Schimming

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Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (nicht referiert)

; ; (2021) Digitale innovationen bieten Chancen für Agrar- und Ernährungssektor in Eurasien - IAMO Forum 2020. IAMO Jahreszahl 23: 93-102.

; ; (2021) Digital innovations offer opportunities for the agri-food sector in Eurasia - IAMO Forum 2020. IAMO Annual 23: 85-94.

; ; ; (2019) IAMO Forum 2018 "Large-scale agriculture - for profit and society?". IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 91-104.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) IAMO Forum 2015: "Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies". IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 85-93.

; ; (2015) IAMO Forum 2014: The rise of the 'Emerging Economies': Towards Functioning Agricultural Markets and Trade Relations. IAMO Jahreszahl 17: 109-117.

; ; ; ; (2014) Rural Areas in Transition: Services of General Interest, Entrepreneurship and Quality of Life IAMO Forum 2013. IAMO Jahreszahl 16: 105-112.

; (2013) Land Use in Transition: Potentials and Solutions between Abandonment and Land - IAMO Forum 2012. IAMO Jahreszahl 15: 85-92.