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Daniela Peña Guerrero

Daniela Peña Guerrero

Daniela Peña Guerrero

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; ; ; (2022) Comparing the performance of high-resolution global precipitation products across topographic and climatic gradients of Central Asia. International Journal of Climatology 42 (11): 5554-5569.

; ; ; ; (2022) Post-Soviet changes in cropping practices in the irrigated drylands of the Aral Sea basin. Environmental Research Letters 17 (9): .

; ; (2022) Regionalization of climate teleconnections across Central Asian mountains improves the predictability of seasonal precipitation. Environmental Research Letters 17 (5): .

; ; ; ; (2020) Drought impacts on water quality and potential implications for agricultural production in the Maipo River Basin, Central Chile. Hydrological Sciences Journal 65 (6): 1005-1021.

Weitere Publikationen

; ; ; ; (2022) Landsat-based maps of cropping practices in the irrigated drylands of the Aral Sea Basin (1987-2019).


; ; ; ; (2019) Drought impacts on water quality for agricultural requirements in the Maipo River Basin, Chile. Wien, Oesterreich, 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019.


; ; ; ; ; (2024) Long-term dynamics of crop water consumption in the irrigated lands of the Amu Darya basin. The European Geosciences Union's annual General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Oesterreich.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Post-Soviet changes of agricultural land use and their effects on water use in the Amu Darya basin. 64. GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung "Innovative Konzepte für eine zukunftsfähige Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft", Gießen, Deutschland.

(2024) Long-term dynamics of crop water consumption in the irrigated areas of the Aral Sea Basin. GLP's 5th Open Science Meeting: Pathways to Sustainable and Just Land Systems, Oaxaca, Mexiko.

(2023) Dynamics of crop water consumption in the irrigated lands of the Amu Darya Basin. SUSADICA final symposium, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; ; ; ; (2023) Dynamics of crop water consumption in the Amu Darya Basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2021) Post-Soviet changes in irrigated crop production in the Amu Darya Basin. EGU General Assembly 2021, Online, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Evaluation of merged satellite, gauge, and reanalysis-based high-resolution precipitation products using independent gauging stations over Central Asia. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA & online, USA.

; (2020) Impacts of climate change on irrigated agriculture in Central Asia. Central Asian Students Conference, Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; (2019) Drought impacts on water quality and potential implications for agricultural production in the Maipo River Basin, Central Chile. Water Security and Climate Change Conference, San Luis Potosí, Mexiko.