Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans
Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans
Publikationen und Vorträge
Artikel (referiert)
Ayrapetyan, David; Befort, Nicolas; Hermans, Frans (2025) From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics. Research Policy 54 (1): .
Kabirigi, Michel; Hermans, Frans; Sun, Zhanli; Gaidashova, Svetlana V.; McCampbell, Mariette; Adewopo, Julius; Schut, Marc (2024) Using farm typology to understand banana Xanthomonas wilt management in Rwanda. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences 96 (1): .
Kabirigi, Michel; Adewopo, Julius; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2024) Opinion leaders’ influence on knowledge transmission about crop diseases management: Exploring the attributes that matter to followers. Outlook on Agriculture 53 (3): 264-276.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2024) Transition towards a bioeconomy: Comparison of conditions and institutional work in selected industries. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 50: .
Kabirigi, Michel; Sekabira, Haruna; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2023) The use of mobile phones and the heterogeneity of banana farmers in Rwanda. Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (6): 5315–5335.
Kamath, Rammohan; Elola, Aitziber; Hermans, Frans (2023) The green-restructuring of clusters: Investigating a biocluster's transition using a complex adaptive system model. European Planning Studies 31 (9): 1842-1867.
Valentinov, Vladislav; Van Assche, Kristof; Hermans, Frans (2023) Toward a digital transformation of the theory of the firm: Emergence as framework for organizational sustainability. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 40 (3): 270-282.
Ayrapetyan, David; Befort, Nicolas; Hermans, Frans (2022) The role of sustainability in the emergence and evolution of bioeconomy clusters: An application of a multiscalar framework. Journal of Cleaner Production 376: .
Kabirigi, Michel; Abbasiharofteh, Milad; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) The importance of proximity dimensions in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda. Agricultural Systems 202: .
Kamath, Rammohan; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) Policy instruments for green-growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 43: 257-269.
Hermans, Frans (2021) The contribution of statistical network models to the study of clusters and their evolution. Papers in Regional Science 100 (2): 379-403.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2021) Deconstructing the attractiveness of biocluster imaginaries. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 23 (2): 227-242.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2021) Innovation in the bioeconomy: Perspectives of entrepreneurs on relevant framework conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production 314: .
Ayrapetyan, David; Hermans, Frans (2020) Introducing a multiscalar framework for biocluster research: A meta-analysis. Sustainability 12 (9): .
Hermans, Frans; Geerling-Eiff, Floor; Potters, Jorieke; Klerkx, Laurens (2019) Public-private partnerships as systemic agricultural innovation policy instruments – Assessing their contribution to innovation system function dynamics. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences 88: 76-95.
Hermans, Frans (2018) The potential contribution of transition theory to the analysis of bioclusters and their role in the transition to a bioeconomy. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 12 (2): 265–276.
Sartas, Murat; Schut, Marc; Hermans, Frans; van Asten, Piet; Leeuwis, Cees (2018) Effects of multi-stakeholder platforms on multi-stakeholder innovation networks: Implications for research for development interventions targeting innovations at scale. PLOS ONE 13 (6): .
Hermans, Frans; Sartas, Murat; van Schagen, Boudy; van Asten, Piet; Schut, Marc (2017) Social network analysis of multi-stakeholder platforms in agricultural research for development: Opportunities and constraints for innovation and scaling. PLOS ONE 12 (2): .
Hermans, Frans; Chaddad, Fabio; Gagalyuk, Taras; Senesi, Sebastián; Balmann, Alfons (2017) The Emergence and Proliferation of Agroholdings and Mega Farms in a Global Context. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (2): 175-185.
Neumann, Kathleen; Hermans, Frans (2017) What drives human migration in Sahelian countries? A meta-analysis. Population, Space and Place 23 (1): .
Hermans, Frans; Roep, Dirk; Klerkx, Laurens (2016) Scale dynamics of grassroot innovations through parallel pathways of transformative change. Ecological Economics 130: 285-295.
Hermans, Frans; Klerkx, Laurens; Roep, Dirk (2015) Structural conditions for collaboration and learning in innovation networks: using an innovation systems performance lens to analyse Agricultural Knowledge Systems. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 21 (1): 35-54.
Artikel (nicht referiert)
Kamath, Rammohan; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2023) Instrumente einer grünen Politik zur Förderung des grünen Wachstums von Clustern: Implikationen eines akteurbasierten Ansatzes. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 77-86.
Kamath, Rammohan; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2023) Policy instruments for green growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model. IAMO Annual 25: 75-83.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) Die Einbeziehung informeller Wissensnetzwerke für einen nachhaltigen Transfer agrarischen Wissens: Eine soziale Netzwerkanalyse. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 93-102.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) Involving informal knowledge networks to improve the diffusion of agricultural information: A social network analysis. IAMO Annual 24: 89-98.
Hermans, Frans (2020) Klassifizierung von Bio-Clustern. IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 85-90.
Hermans, Frans (2020) Classification of bioclusters. IAMO Annual 22: 79-84.
Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Kamath, Rammohan; Wilde, Kerstin (2018) Biocluster: Anaylse und politische Implikationen - erste theoretische Überlegungen. IAMO Jahreszahl 20: 81-90.
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) Potential of using mobile phones for crop diseases management among heterogeneous farmers in Rwanda. In: Grethe, H., Feindt, P., Hackfort, S., Mithöfer, D., Odening, M., Ritter, M., Siddig, K. (Hrsg.): Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem: Herausforderungen für die Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften : 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V. vom 22. bis 24.09.2021, 65-76: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.
Hermans, Frans (2021) Bioclusters and sustainable regional development. In: Sedita, S. R., Blasi, S. (eds.): Rethinking Clusters: Place-based Value Creation in Sustainability Transitions, 81-91: Springer International Publishing.
Weitere Publikationen
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2021) Potential of using ICT tools for crop diseases management among heterogenous farmers in Rwanda. GeWiSoLa.
Hermans, Frans (2020) Der Übergang zur Bioökonomie erfordert Entscheidungen. Wissenschaftsjahr Bioökonomie Redaktion.
Hermans, Frans; Akramkhanov, Akmal (2024) Scaling readiness of laser-assisted land levelling in Uzbekistan. IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans (2023) Bioclusters: Analysis and policy implications for innovation. International Bioeconomy Conference - Bioeconomy Policies, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations, Berlin, Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Befort, Nicolas (2023) Technical innovation systems in space: A bottom-up perspective of innovation system dynamics. 14th IST Conference 2023: Responsibility and reflexivity in transitions, Utrecht, Niederlande.
Hermans, Frans; Wilde, Kerstin (2023) Opportunities for institutional entrepreneurship in the bioeconomy. 27th Annual ICABR Conference: Institutions and Sustainable Transformation of Bioeconomy Value Chains, Buenos Aires / online, Argentinien.
Hermans, Frans; Kabirigi, Michel (2023) IAMO's role in Rwandan farmers at scale for sustainable banana production using digital tools. IAMO's role in reaching Rwandan farmers at scale for sustainable banana production using digital tools: Selection of scaling agents using SNA, online, Ruanda.
Hermans, Frans (2023) Research on extension: Who and which criteria to select enablers & champions for scaling up projects. End of project Stakeholders Workshop: Moving forward with digital innovation for sustainable banana production in Rwanda, Aligning with the National Strategy, Kigali, Ruanda.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sekabira, Haruna; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) The use of mobile phones and the heterogeneity of banana farmers in Rwanda. 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA) "Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challenges", Évora, Portugal.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) Farmers’ perception of mobile phone-based advisory services: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2022) The adoption of mobile phones in combating banana deceases among farmers in Rwanda. 2022 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, Wuhan, China.
Abbasiharofteh, Milad; Hermans, Frans (2021) Typology of knowledge networks in European bioclusters. IAMO Forum 2021 - Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Abbasiharofteh, Milad; Hermans, Frans (2021) Typology of network archetypes in European bioeconomy clusters. 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Karlsruhe, Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans (2021) Bioeconomy as societal change: Results and lessons from the Trafobit group. IAMO Forum 2021 - Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans; Wilde, Kerstin (2021) Deconstructing sociotechnical imaginaries of bioclusters. IAMO Forum 2021 - Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans; Wilde, Kerstin (2021) Deconstructing the attractiveness of bioclusters using Q-methodology. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V.: "Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem", Berlin / Online, Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans (2021) Technikvisionen in der Bioökonomie. Konsultation "Ethik in der Bioökonomie am Beispiel von Genome Editing in der Landwirtschaft, München, Deutschland.
Kabirigi, Michel; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2021) Potential of using mobile phones for crop diseases management among heterogeneous farmers in Rwanda. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V.: "Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem", Berlin / Online, Deutschland.
Kamath, Rammohan; Sun, Zhanli; Hermans, Frans (2021) Analysing the green-growth of a peripheral cluster through agent-based modelling. IAMO Forum 2021 - Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans (2020) Towards a typology of bioclusters. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norwegen.
Hermans, Frans (2020) Zielkonflikte in der pflanzenbasierten Bioökonomie und der Beitrag der sozioökonomischen Forschung. SALON: Global Agriculture #02 Impulse für die pflanzenbasierte Bioökonomie – Fokus Photosynthese, Berlin, Deutschland.
Kabirigi, Michel; Hermans, Frans; Sun, Zhanli; Adewopo, Julius (2020) A smart phone-based solution for crop diseases management: A case study of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) in Rwanda. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Kamath, Rammohan; Elola, Aitziber; Hermans, Frans (2020) From bioclusters to the bioeconomy: Lessons from the Basque pulp and paper biocluster. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norwegen.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2020) Policy missions and systemic stalemate: Bottom-up perspectives from the bioeconomy. 3. Internationaler Bioökonomiekongress Baden-Württemberg, online, Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Kamath, Rammohan; Wilde, Kerstin; Abbasiharofteh, Milad (2019) Towards a typology of bioclusters. RETHINKING CLUSTERS - II International Workshop on Cluster Research, Padova, Italien.
Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Kamath, Rammohan; Wilde, Kerstin; Abbasiharofteh, Milad (2019) Towards a typology of bioclusters. The Bioeconomy: organization, innovation, sustainability and territory, Reims, Frankreich.
Kamath, Rammohan; Hermans, Frans; Elola, Aitziber (2019) From bioclusters to the bioeconomy: the sustainability transition of the pulp and paper cluster in the Basque country. RETHINKING CLUSTERS - II International Workshop on Cluster Research, Padova, Italien.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2019) Innovation prospects of entrepreneurs in bioeconomy clusters: which context matters? RETHINKING CLUSTERS - II International Workshop on Cluster Research, Padova, Italien.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2019) The emerging Bioeconomy from an Innovation System Perspective: Prospects of Entrepreneurs. Eu-SPRI 2019, Rom, Italien.
Ayrapetyan, David; Kamath, Rammohan; Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2018) Analyzing the development path of bioclusters: a multiscalar approach. IST2018 - INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS CONFERENCE, Manchester, Großbritannien.
Hermans, Frans; Wilde, Kerstin (2018) Bioclusters and transitions: Analysis and implications for sustainable development. 7. International Bioeconomy Conference 2018, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans (2018) Der Beitrag der sozioökonomischen Forschung zur Bioökonomie. Parlamentarischer Abend : "Forschen - Fördern - Wachsen: Sachsen-Anhalts biobasierte Zukunft", Magdeburg, Deutschland.
Kamath, Rammohan; Ayrapetyan, David; Hermans, Frans (2018) Transitioning to the bioeconomy through bioclusters: Modelling the evolution of bioclusters. 4th Geography of Innovation Conference, Barcelona, Spanien.
Kamath, Rammohan; Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Wilde, Kerstin (2018) Modelling the evolution of bioclusters: the role of place dependency, path dependency and agency. IST2018 - INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS CONFERENCE, Manchester, Großbritannien.
Kamath, Rammohan; Hermans, Frans (2018) A framework to guide the agent-based modelling of cluster evolution. International Conference ESCoS "The Economy as a Spatial Complex System" (ESCoS 2018), Naples, Italien.
Kamath, Rammohan; Hermans, Frans (2018) Modelling the evolution of biocluster trajectories: the role of place dependency, path dependency and agency. Second junior research group meeting "Bioökonomie als gesellschaftlicher Wandel - Nachwuchsgruppen", Berlin, Deutschland.
Kamath, Rammohan; Hermans, Frans (2018) Modelling the evolution of cluster trajectories: the role of place dependency, path dependency and agency. 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 (GCEG 2018), Köln, Deutschland.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans; Ayrapetyan, David; Kamath, Rammohan (2018) Bioeconomy configuration – perceptions at the micro-level of actors. IST2018 - INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS CONFERENCE, Manchester, Großbritannien.
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2018) Innovation system dynamics: agency from within bioeconomy clusters - First Findings. Bioökonomie als gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Berlin, Deutschland.
Hermans, Frans; Wilde, Kerstin; Ayrapetyan, David (2017) Analysing the role and function of bioclusters from a transition perspective. Eu-SPRI Annual Conference, Wien, Oesterreich.
Hermans, Frans (2016) The Role of Bioclusters in the Transition to a Bioeconomy. XX ICABR Conference: Transforming the Bioeconomy: Behavior, Innovation and Science, Ravello, Italien.
Hermans, Frans (2015) The potential of expential random graph models and stochastic actor oriented models for transition studies. EU-SPRI Forum 2015: Innovation policies for economic and social transitions: Developing strategies for knowledge, practices and institutions, Helsinki, Finnland.
Beers, Pieter J.; Hermans, Frans (2014) The New Mixed Farm transition experiment—the importance of a negotiation of meaning perspective. Japanese-Dutch seminar ‘Studying sustainability transitions in welfare states’, Rotterdam, Niederlande.
Hermans, Frans; Geerling-Eiff, Floor; Potters, Jorieke; Klerkx, Laurens (2014) Public-Private Partnerships for System Innovations Towards Sustainable Agriculture. System Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture, Paris, Frankreich.