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Taras Gagalyuk

Dr. Taras Gagalyuk

Dr. Taras Gagalyuk

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; (2024) Digital technologies as a driver of resilience and institutional transformation: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 27 (1): 5-25.

; (2024) Systems of sustainability measurement in the agricultural sector (by the examples of RISE and Position Green). International Scientific Journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences" 81 (2): .

; (2024) Disclosure of social and human capital in the report on sustainable development of agricultural enterprises. Business Inform (4): 138-146.

; (2024) Certification of compliance with sustainable development standards in the agricultural sector (the example of Dinak). Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: International Economic Relations and World Economy (51): 56-66.

; ; (2024) The report on sustainable development and investments in the agricultural sector: The environmental capital perspective. Ukrainian Economic Journal (6): 59-68.

; ; ; (2022) Why did Ukraine become a key player on the world agri-food markets? An enterprise-level perspective. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 71 (3): 114-133.

; ; ; (2022) Business group affiliation and financial performance in the agricultural sector of transition economies: The case of Russian agroholdings. Journal of East European Management Studies 27 (2): 280-310.

; ; ; (2021) Broadening the scope of instrumental motivations for CSR disclosure: An illustration for agroholdings in transition economies. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 717-737.

; ; (2021) Editorial. Special Issue: Growth of agroholdings and mega-farms in transition and emerging market economies: Institutional and organizational aspects. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 581-592.

; ; (2021) Agroholdings and land rental markets: A spatial competition perspective. European Review of Agricultural Economics 48 (1): 158–206.

; ; ; (2021) Determinants of corporate social responsibility among farms in Russia and Kazakhstan: A multilevel approach using survey data. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 697-716.

; ; ; (2021) What drives the acquisition behavior of agroholdings? Performance analysis of agricultural acquisition targets in Northwest Russia and Ukraine. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 593-613.

; ; (2021) Post-acquisition integration and growth of farms: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 615-636.

; ; ; ; (2021) Machine learning reveals complex effects of climatic means and weather extremes on wheat yields during different plant development stages. Climatic Change 169 (3-4): .

; ; ; ; (2021) Corporate governance and firm performance within the Russian agri-food sector: Does ownership structure matter? International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 649-668.

; ; ; (2020) Board gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from the Russian agri-food industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 23 (1): 35-53.

; (2019) Agroholdings, turbulence, and resilience: The case of Ukraine. Journal of East European Management Studies 24 (3): 484-496.

; ; ; (2019) Supply chain networks in the Armenian agribusiness: Setting a benchmark. Economia agro-alimentare 21 (2): 359-378.

; ; (2018) The corporate social responsibility of Ukrainian agroholdings: the stakeholder approach revisited. Systemic Practice and Action Research 31 (6): 675-698.

; ; ; (2017) The Paradox of Water Management Projects in Central Asia: An Institutionalist Perspective. Water 9 (4): .

(2017) Strategic Role of Corporate Transparency: The Case of Ukrainian Agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (2): 257-277.

; ; ; ; (2017) The Emergence and Proliferation of Agroholdings and Mega Farms in a Global Context. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (2): 175-185.

; ; (2013) Firm and whole chain success: network management in the Ukrainian food industry. Journal on Chain and Network Science 13 (1): 47-70.

; ; ; ; (2011) Do Chain Goals Match Consumer Perceptions? The Case of the Traditional Food Sector in Selected European Countries. Agribusiness: An International Journal 27 (2): 221-243.

; ; (2010) Managing supply chains successfully: an empirical testing of success of supply chain networks in the German fish sector. Food Economics 7 (2/4): 139-150.

; ; (2010) Network Governance at the Firm and Network Level: Goals, Routines, and Social Mechanisms. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 1 (4): 342-351.

; ; (2009) Measuring Asymmetrical Power Distribution in Supply Chain Networks: What is the Appropriate Method? Journal of Relationship Marketing 8 (2): 165 - 193.

; (2009) Impact of Retail Internationalization on Agribusiness: The Case of Ukraine. Journal of East-West business 15 (2): 96-118.

; (2009) Rol' vertykal'noї koordynaciї u zbalansuvanni mižgaluzevych vidnosyn v APK. Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky 10 (9): 250-259.

; (2009) Supply chain quality and its managerial challenges - Insights from Ukrainian agri-food business. Journal of East European Management Studies 14 (4): 332-356.

; ; ; (2009) Network Approach to Supply Chain Management: Terms, Scope of Issues and Lines of Development. Russian Management Journal 7 (1): 43-68.

; (2008) Mission Impossible: Vertical Collaboration in Ukraine. Banwa Management 5 (2): 78-89.

Artikel (nicht referiert)

; (2024) Die ukrainische Landwirtschaft auf dem Weg in die EU. IAMO Jahreszahl 26: 9-22.

; (2024) Ukrainian agriculture on the way to EU entry. IAMO Annual 26: 9-21.

; (2024) Editorial: Über 1.000 Tage Angriffskrieg. Wohin geht es für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft? Ukraine-Analysen (308): 2.

; ; (2024) Auswirkungen des russischen Angriffskrieges auf den landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt der Ukraine. Ukraine-Analysen (308): 10-17.

; (2022) Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen in der Landwirtschaft Osteuropas und Zentralasiens: Rumänien, Ukraine, Russland und Kasachstan im Fokus. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 85-92.

; (2022) Corporate social responsibility in the agricultural sector of Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan in focus. IAMO Annual 24: 81-87.

; (2022) Zum Akquisitionsverhalten ukrainischer Agrarholdings: Strategien, Auswirkungen und Perspektiven. Ukraine-Analysen (259): 3 - 7.

; (2021) Why do farms in Russia engage in corporate social responsibility? An assessment of survey results. Russian Analytical Digest (272): 14-17.

; (2021) Warum setzen sich landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in Russland für unternehmerische Sozialverantwortung ein? Eine Analyse von Umfrageergebnissen. Russland-Analysen (409): 2-5.

; ; ; (2019) IAMO Forum 2018 "Large-scale agriculture - for profit and society?". IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 91-104.

; ; (2019) Corporate Social Responsibility in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 85-95.

; ; ; (2018) The factors of resilience of agricultural enterprises against external shocks (The case of Russia's Northwest). Problems of Economic Transition 60 (12): 883-906.

; (2018) Großbetriebliche Landwirtschaft im internationalen Kontext: aktuelle Entwicklungen, gesellschaftliche Streitfragen und zukünftige Forschungsagenda. IAMO Jahreszahl 20: 11-22.

; ; (2018) Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der ukrainischen Landwirtschaft. Ukraine-Analysen (210): 11-16.

; ; ; (2017) Von der Schwierigkeit, moderne Landwirtschaft zu akzeptieren. IAMO Jahreszahl 19: 11-17.

(2017) Project Review: International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies. Journal of Applied Management and Investments 6 (2): 147-150.

(2015) Geht Russland der EU als Handelspartner verloren? Gemüse (6): .

; (2009) QS ist Teil der Wertschöpfungskette - Qualitätssicherung ist im globalen Handel unabdingbar. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 199 (2): 67-68.

; ; (2007) Aktul'nist merez stvorennja cinnosti dlja agroprodovl'cogo sketora Ukraini [Relevance of supply chain networks for Ukrainian agribusiness]. Scientific Announcer of National Agricultural University (110): 348.

; ; (2007) Agrarnyi diplom - bilet v buduscee ili doroga v nikuda? [Agrardiplom - Ticket in die Zukunft oder Fahrt ins Blaue. Ergebnisse einer Befragung von ukrainischen Agrarabsolventen]. Novoe sel’skoe chozjajstvo (1): 50-53.

; ; (2007) Ukrainische Agrarstudenten: in der Landwirtschaft arbeiten - Ja! Auf dem Land leben - Nein! IAMO Jahreszahl 9: 47-53.

; (2007) Russland: Neues Geld für den Agrarsektor. Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 59 (36): 7-9.

; (2007) Geld für den Agrarsektor. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 197 (40): 42-43.

; (2006) Kudi ruchaet'sja cil's'ke gospodarstvo ob' ednanoi nimeccini? Analiz rozvitku agranich pidpriemstv [Where does the agriculture in re-unified Germany move? Analysis of farms developments]. Agroinkom (3-4): 78-82.

; ; (2006) Arbeiten in der Landwirtschaft - Ja! Leben auf dem Land - Nein! Novoe sel’skoe chozjajstvo (04): 46-49.

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

; (2024) Платформа звітності сталого розвитку для післявоєнної відбудови агробізнесу (Sustainable reporting platform for post-war buildung of agribusiness). In: Синергетичні драйвери розвитку обліку, податкового аудиту та бізнес-аналітики [Електронне видання] : збірник тез за матеріалами III Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет- конференції, м. Ірпінь, 14 травня 2024 р, 440-444: State Tax University.

; ; ; ; (2021) Including smallholders with vertical coordination. In: Amao, I., Adeoye, I. (eds.): Agricultural Economics, 55-70: InTechOpen.

; ; (2019) The Potential of Ukrainian Crop Production: Profit and Yield-based Projections. In: Henning, C., Hess, S., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Loy, J.-P., Thiele, H., Braatz, M. (Hrsg.): Visionen für eine Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik nach 2020 (Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus, Bd. 54), 3-16: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

; ; ; (2018) Russian farm economic resilience in the context of structural adjustments: The case of the Northwest Region and the 2008 economic crisis. In: Agrarian Perspectives XXVII. Food Safety – Food Security : Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference, 28-35: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

; ; ; (2018) Resilience of Agricultural Enterprises, Analysis of the Importance of Its Factors and Integration Processes (According to the Data of Northwest of Russia). In: Epomen Scientific Journal No. 15 (July 2018): Proceedings of the 14th International conference "Agrarian Economy of Russia: Problems and Vectors of Development", 243-275: Epomen Ltd.

; (2018) Integration of small farmers into value chains: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In: Egilmez, G. (ed.): Agricultural Value Chain, 181-197: InTechOpen.

; ; ; (2016) Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der landwirtschaftlichen Tretmühle: Moderne Landwirtschaft, technologische Tretmühle und gesellschaftliche Entfremdung - Folgen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. In: DLG e.V. (Hrsg.): Moderne Landwirtschaft zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Eine kritische Analyse, Archiv der DLG (Band 110), DLG-Wintertagung 2016, München 11.-13. Januar 2016, 147-170: DLG-Verlag.

; ; (2015) The emergence of agroholdings and patterns of land use in Ukraine. In: Schmitz, A., Meyers, W. H. (eds.): Transition of Agricultural Market Economies - The Future of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, 102-110: CABI (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) International).

; ; (2010) Vertical Coordination in Central and East- Europeam Countries: Status quo and outlook. In: Stjepan Tanic (Hrsg.): Agribusiness and Agro-Industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe, (19th Annual World Forum & Symposium, Budapest, June 20-21, 2009), 3-18: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

; ; (2009) Asymmetrical Power Distribution in Supply Chain Networks: Is There a Right Measurement Method?”. In: Beitrag zum Sammelwerk von World Marketing Congress “Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, and Sustainability” in Oslo (Norwegen), 22.-25. Juli, 160-164: Academy of Marketing Science.

; (2009) Strategic Management of Food Networks: Are network goals necessary and achievable? In: Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Band 44, 243-253: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup.

; (2009) Why Are Network Goals Important for Chain Management? In: Proceedings of the World Marketing Congress “Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, and Sustainability”, : Academy of Marketing Science.

; ; (2008) Supply chain networks: European influence on the Russian Agri-Food Business. In: Voicilas, D.M., Tudor, M. (Hrsg.): Values and challenges in designing the European rural structures - research network experimence, Rural areas and development - Vol. 5, 5th ERDN Conference 2007, Sinaia/Cumpatu, Romania, September 13-16, 2007, 63-74: Unbekannt.

; (2008) Management of Agri-Food Supply Chain Networks. In: Schäfer, C., Rupschus, C., Nagel, U.J. (Hrsg.): Enhancing the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers, Proceedings, (The Second Green Week Scientific Conference, Berlin, Germany, January 16-17, 2008), 136-141: Margraf Publishers.

; (2008) Lessons on vertical collaboration in Ukraine. In: Csaki, C., Forgacs, C. (Hrsg.): Agricultural economics and transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned, Proceedings, (Volume II), 104th European Seminar of the EAAE, Budapest, Ungarn, 06.-08.09.2007, 403-412: IAMO Eigenverlag.

IAMO Discussion Paper

; ; ; (2006) Edinaja agrarnaja politika Evropejskogo Sojuza - Put' stanovlenija i principy funktcionirovanija [Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der Europäischen Union - Entwicklung und Funktionsprinzipien]. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 92, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

IAMO Studies

(2012) Goal Achievement in Supply Chain Networks - A Study of the Ukrainian Agri-Food Business. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 64, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Weitere Publikationen

(2024) Financing of resilience and reconstruction of the agricultural sector of Ukraine by international financial institutions and development agencies. Agro Policy Report, Kyiv.

(2024) Report on sustainable development and investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine (an illustration for grain and industrial crop production) (Author: Volodymyr Metelytsia).: 193.

(2024) Звіт зі сталого розвитку та інвестицій в аграрному секторі економіки України (на прикладі вирощування зернових і технічних культур) (Автор: В. Метелиця).: 212.

(2024) Фінансування стійкості і відбудови аграрного сектора України міжнародними фінансовими установами та агенціями розвитку. Agro Policy Report, Київ.

; ; (Hg.) (2024) Herausforderungen für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft. Ukraine-Analysen, Vol. 19, No. 308.

; ; (Hg.) (2024) Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft. Ukraine-Analysen, Vol. 19, No. 294.

; (2021) Russland wandelt sich mit aller Kraft zum führenden Agrarexporteur. top agrar online, Landwirtschaftsverlag.

; ; (2020) Coronavirus: Which agricultural enterprises will survive the crisis? Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club".

; ; (2020) Agroholdings and agricultural science in Ukraine: Uneasy bedfellows. VoxUkraine.

; ; (2020) Agroholdingi ta agrarna nauka v Ukraini: problemi spivisnuvannya [Agroholdings and Agricultural Science in Ukraine: Uneasy Bedfellows]. VoxUkraine.

; (2019) Resilience, stakeholder orientation, and land markets: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. EAAE.

; ; (2019) Agroholdings and land rental markets: A spatial competition perspective. EAAE.

; ; ; (2017) NPR - Can modern agriculture meet societal expectations? International Farm Management Association.

; ; ; (2016) When Growth Obliges: Social Responsibility of Farms in Light of the Technological Treadmill. AgEconSearch.

; (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility in Agribusiness. Agriculture Policy Report, German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue, Kyiv.

; (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility in Agribusiness.

; ; (2016) The Evolution of Agriculture in East Germany and Ukraine during Transition and Implications for North Korea.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2013) Productivity and Efficiency of Ukrainian Agricultural Enterprises. Agriculture Policy Report, German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue, Kiev.

; (2010) Der wachsende Lebensmittelmarkt in Russland: Kampfarena zwischen internationalen und einheimischen Handelsriesen? Forschungsstelle Osteuropa.

; (2010) Entwicklung des Marktes für Fleisch und Fleischprodukte und Determinanten der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der ukrainischen Fleischwirtschaft. Forschungsstelle Osteuropa.

; ; (2007) Supply Chain Networks: European Influence on the Russian Agri-food Business? EUROPEAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (ERDN).


; ; (2009) Success Factor Analysis of the German Fish Supply Chain Networks. Kiel, Deutschland, 30.09.2009 - 02.10.2009.

; (2008) The importance of network goals for strategic chain management. Ghent, Belgien, 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

; ; (2008) Management of Supply Chain Network in the Fish Sector. Ghent, Belgien, 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

; (2007) Success in Agri-Food Supply Chain Networks - A Project on Empirical Investigation. Weihenstephan, Deutschland, 26.09.2007 - 28.09.2007.

(2006) Regional efficiency and total factor productivity in Ukrainian agriculture. Halle (Saale), Deutschland, 29.06.2006 - 01.07.2006.


; ; ; (2024) Students’ inclination to work in agriculture: Does rural origin matter in pre-war Ukraine? IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2024) Digital technologies as a driver of resilience and institutional transformation in Ukrainian agriculture. 28th Annual ICABR Conference "Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability of the Bioeconomy", Ravello, Italien.

; (2024) Functional labor market in Ukraine's agriculture for resilient and sustainable development of the sector. Functional labor market in Ukraine's agriculture for resilient and sustainable development of the sector, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2024) Digital technologies and stakeholder management as drivers of farm resilience and institutional transformation in Ukraine. 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems", New Delhi, Indien.

; (2024) The EU integration of Ukrainian agriculture: Challenges on both sides. 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems", New Delhi, Indien.

; ; ; ; (2024) The impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine on the integration of grain markets in Ukraine and the Black Sea region. VII International Scientific Conference "Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy": Policy Challenges Towards the Agri-Food Sector and Rural Areas, Warsaw, Polen.

; ; ; ; (2024) The impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine on the integration of grain markets in Ukraine and the Black Sea region. IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2024) Preferences of Ukrainian agribusinesses toward sustainability reporting for financing of green recovery. 189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) "EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Market", Warsaw, Polen.

; ; ; (2024) Raising green funds for sustainable post-war recovery? Preferences of Ukrainian agribusinesses for sustainability disclosures. Financing sustainable and resilient transitions in agri & food systems, Wageningen, Niederlande.

; ; ; (2023) Students’ inclination to work in agriculture: Does rural origin matter in pre-war Ukraine? Agricultural Perspectives XXXII: Human Capital and Education in Agriculture, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

(2023) Resilience of Ukrainian agriculture amid and after Russian invasion: What can we learn from previous crises? 6th International Scientific Conference "Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy", Warschau, Polen.

; ; ; (2023) Why did Ukraine become a key player on the world agri food markets? An enterprise level perspective. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

; (2023) What drives post acquisition farm growth? Empirical evidence from Ukraine. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

(2022) Rollenmodell für Deutschland? Sozialverantwortung großer landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen am Beispiel der Ukraine. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Halle 2022, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2021) Socio economic aspects of land reforms and structural change in agricultural sectors of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. International Workshop on Rural Financial Innovations and Rural Revitalization, Sichuan, China.

; ; ; (2021) Drivers of corporate disclosure of publicly listed agroholdings in Ukraine. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

(2021) Corporate social responsibility in agroholdings. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V.: "Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem", Berlin / Online, Deutschland.

(2021) Social reporting: An illustration for agroholdings in Ukraine. 2nd International Tax Congress, Irpin, Ukraine.

; ; ; (2021) Determinants of corporate social responsibility among farms in Russia and Kazakhstan: A multilevel approach using survey data. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; (2021) Imprints of an insecure institutional environment on perceptions of social responsibility of large farms in Romania. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; (2021) Imprints of an insecure institutional environment on perceptions of social responsibility of large farms in Romania. Colloquium of the Leibniz Science Campus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA), Leipzig, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Pre-acquisition target selection: Comparative analysis of farms in Russia and Ukraine. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; (2021) Factors of post-acquisition farm integration and growth in Ukraine. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; (2021) Does agroholding affiliation improve financial performance? Empirical evidence from Russia. XVI EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium - Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; (2020) Digital platforms along the grain value chain of the Black Sea region. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2020) Digital technologies in management and production systems of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2020) Post-crisis development of farms: Who will survive and recover? Quo vadis, agro?, Kiew, Ukraine.

; (2019) Digital platforms along the grain value chain of the Black Sea region. Recent Advances in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling: Relevance and Application to Agricultural Trade Analysis, Washington, D.C., USA.

; (2019) Resilience, stakeholder orientation, and land markets: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. 165th EAAE seminar Agricultural Land Markets – Recent Developments, Efficiency and Regulation, Berlin, Deutschland.

(2019) International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA). Project Overview. German-Ukrainian Summer School in Agricultural Economics, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2019) Growth and Social Responsibility of Large-scale Farms. UaAgriDialog Workshop - Agriculture and society: a multi-stakeholder dialogue for stable and sustainable development, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

; (2019) Acquisition behavior of agroholdings in Ukraine (The development of agroholdings from the perspective of firm growth theories). Jill L. Findeis Seminar, Columbia, MO, USA.

; ; (2019) Agroholdings and Land Rental Markets: A Spatial Competition Perspective. 165th EAAE seminar Agricultural Land Markets – Recent Developments, Efficiency and Regulation, Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; (2019) Corporate social responsibility in large scale farming of emerging economies. XXVII Congreso Aapresid, Rosario, Argentinien.

; ; (2019) Corporate social responsibility of farmland acquiring organisations. UaAgriDialog Workshop - Agriculture and society: a multi-stakeholder dialogue for stable and sustainable development, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

; ; (2019) The Dynamics of Post-Acquisition Farm Restructuring and Growth in Ukraine. German-Ukrainian Summer School in Agricultural Economics, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2018) Factors of farm economic resilience in North-Western Russia. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2018) Understanding the Growth of Agroholdings: A Story of Resilience. 12th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; (2018) Business Case for Corporate Transparency? An Illustration for Agroholdings in Transition Economies. 12th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; (2018) A resilience-based rationale for farm growth: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; ; ; (2018) Exploring factors of farm resilience in Russia: Business group affiliation, location and ownership. 164th EAAE Seminar: Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains, Chania, Kreta, Griechenland.

; ; (2018) Post-transition development of farm structure and implications for Romania. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2018) The effects of ownership structure on corporate social responsibility of large-scale agribusinesses: The case of Romania. IFAMA World Conference. Sustainable Food Security 2050, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.

; ; (2018) What prevents Ukrainian farms from growing? Profit and yield-based projections. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2018) The Effects of Holding Affiliation on Farming: Evidence from a Transition Economy. IFAMA World Conference. Sustainable Food Security 2050, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.

; ; (2018) Holding Affiliation Effects on Performance and Growth: Analysis of Ukrainian Farms. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; (2017) LaScalA online plattform: toward a unified collection of knowledge on agroholdings. Kick-off meeting of the LaScalA project, Kiew, Ukraine.

; ; (2017) Effect Of Public Subsidies On Productivity Of Crop Producing Farms In Ukraine – A Farm-level Difference-in-differences Analysis. XV EAAE Congress "Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society", Parma, Italien.

(2017) International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA): Project Overview. Kick-off meeting of the LaScalA project, Kiew, Ukraine.

; (2017) Stakeholder relations in agroholdings. Kick-off meeting of the LaScalA project, Kiew, Ukraine.

; ; ; (2016) Agrarstrukturen im Wandel: Mythen, Wirklichkeiten, Widersprüche im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Loccumer Landwirtschaftstagung 2016: Small is beautiful? Betriebsgrößen und multifunktionale Landwirtschaft, Loccum, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2016) On myths and reality: Ensuring societal acceptance of modern agriculture. Vorstellung des IAMO an der Nationalen Staatlichen Agraruniversität Sumy und Absprachen über künftige Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, Sumy, Ukraine.

; (2016) Transparency and ownership structure in agriholdings: Evidence from Ukraine. Land and Poverty Conference 2016: Scaling up Responsible Land Governance, Washington, DC, USA.

; ; (2016) The Effects of Gender Composition and Board Diversity on Corporate Social Responsibility of Ukrainian Agroholdings. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2016) Gender Composition, Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukrainian Agroholdings. 155th EAAE-Seminar: "European Agriculture towards 2030 - Perspectives for further East-West Integration", Kiew, Ukraine.

; (2016) Corporate transparency and competitive advantage: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. 155th EAAE-Seminar: "European Agriculture towards 2030 - Perspectives for further East-West Integration", Kiew, Ukraine.

; (2016) The Effects of Large-Scale Farming on Gender Equality in Rural Areas: The Case of Ukraine. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2016) Productivity Implications of State Support to Ukrainian Agriculture. 155th EAAE-Seminar: "European Agriculture towards 2030 - Perspectives for further East-West Integration", Kiew, Ukraine.

; (2015) The Strategic Role of Corporate Reputation: Transparency, Ownership and Shareholder Value in Agriholdings. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Agriculture in an interconnected world, Mailand, Italien.

(2015) Transparency of Agriholdings. VI. International Large Farm Management Conference, Kiew, Ukraine.

; ; (2010) It’s All About Power! Making Use of Cooperation and Coordination Mechanisms for Managing Food Supply Chains in Russia. 11th International Academic Conference on economic and social development, Moskau, Russland.

; (2010) How to achieve sustainable success for the whole food chain: A model of network success and implications for Central and Eastern Europe. Third International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

; (2010) Success for the Whole Chain: Testing the model of network success in the Ukrainian food industry. 9th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management, Wageningen, Niederlande.

; (2010) How Should Successful Supply Chain Management Look Like? The Model of Interfirm Network Success. 11th International Academic Conference on economic and social development, Moskau, Russland.

; ; (2010) Goals meet success – a success factor analysis of German fish supply chain networks. 9th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management, Wageningen, Niederlande.

; ; (2010) Achieving Inter-firm Goals in Supply Chains: Testing a model of network success in agri-food business. 3rd Annual Academic Conference “Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries of Management Sciences”, Moskau, Russland.

; ; (2010) Supply network management: mechanisms to cope with goal duality. 4th International European Forum on "System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks", Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; ; (2009) Asymmetrical Power Distribution in Supply Chain Networks: Is There a Right Measurement Method? World Marketing Congress “Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, and Sustainability”, Oslo, Norwegen.

; ; (2009) Strategic Management of Food Networks: Towards understanding of network goals. 3rd International European Forum on Innovation and System Dynamics in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; ; (2009) Vertical Coordination in Central and East-European Countries: Status Quo and Outlook. Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Ungarn.

; (2009) Grasp of Goals: Successful management of supply chain networks in the agribusiness of Central and Eastern Europe. 19th Annual World Forum & Symposium "Global Challenges, Local Solutions", Budapest, Ungarn.

; ; (2009) Caught in a Strategic Net? Challenges for Supply Chain and Quality Management in Central and Eastern Europe. 2nd International Research Conference “Modern Management: Problems, Hypotheses, Research”, Moskau, Russland.

; (2009) Why Are Network Goals Important for Chain Management? World Marketing Congress “Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, and Sustainability”, Oslo, Norwegen.

; ; (2009) Managing supply chains successfully: an empirical testing of success of supply chain networks in the German fish sector. 113th EAAE Seminar: A resilient European food industry and food chain in a challenging world, Chania, Griechenland.

; (2009) Successful Management of Food Supply Chain Networks in Central and East-European Countries. IX Chemnitz East Forum "Conflicts, frictions and paradoxes in CEE Management", Chemnitz, Deutschland.

; ; (2009) Success of Co-operatives: A combination of firm and network level factors. Rural Cooperation in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Past, Pathways to the Future, Rehovot, Israel.

; ; (2009) Neue Giganten am Agrarhimmel? Auswirkungen des rasanten Wachstums von China, Russland und der Schwarzmeerregion auf den Agrarhandel. BASF - Winterveranstaltung, Münnerstadt - Maria Bildhausen, Deutschland.

; ; (2009) Wine Co-operatives: A difficult job of measuring success. 3rd Annual Meeting of American Association of Wine Economics, Reims, Frankreich.

; ; (2008) Power Asymmetry in Supply Chain Networks: Phenomenom and Measurement. Power: Forms, Dynamics and Consequences, Tampere, Finnland.

; ; (2008) Power Asymmetry in Supply Chain Networks: Phenomenon and Measurement. Transition in Agriculture - Agricultural Economics in Transition, Budapest, Ungarn.

; (2008) Management of Agri-Food Supply Chain Networks. Enhancing the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2008) Chain management: All about success. 2nd International European Forum "System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks", Innsbruck-Igls, Oesterreich.

; (2008) Successful management of supply chain networks: What is missing, what are the goals. 8th International Conference on Management in AgriFood Chains and Networks, Ede-Wageningen, Niederlande.

; (2008) Mission Impossible? Vertical Collaboration in Ukraine. Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economics: Responding to the Challenge of Linking Smallholder Producers to Dynamic Markets, Davao City, Philippinen.

; (2008) Strategic Management of Food Networks: Are network goals necessary and achievable? 48. Jahrestagung der Gewisola: Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung, Bonn, Deutschland.

; ; (2007) Quest for quality - an enabler of vertical collaboration. 17th World Food & Agribusiness Symposium & Forum, Parma, Italien.

; (2007) Mission impossible? Lessons on vertical collaboration in Ukraine. 104th (joint) EAAE-IAAE Seminar : Agricultural Economics and Transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned, Budapest, Ungarn.

(2007) More than luck and chance -- successful management of food supply chain networks. Doktorandenseminar des IAMO und der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der MLU, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2007) Supply chain networks: European influence on the Russian agri-food business? ERDN 2007: Values and Challenges in Designing the European Rural Structures, Sinaia/Predeal, Rumänien.

(2006) DEA for DEA: Data elaboration and arrangement for data envelopment analysis of regional agriculture in Ukraine. Efficiency and Growth in the Agriculture of Transition Economies (EGATE), Prag, Tschechische Republik.

; ; (2006) Relevance of supply chain networks for Ukrainian agribusiness. European integration and competitiveness of products of agricultural and industrial complex of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.