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Nodir Djanibekov

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; ; (2025) Land property rights and investment incentives in movable farm assets: Evidence from post-Soviet Central Asia. Comparative Economic Studies: .

; ; (2024) The adoption of cotton combine services and farm technical efficiency: Evidence from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies: .

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Future research directions for understanding the interconnections between climate change, water scarcity, and mobility in rural Central Asia. Climate and Development: .

; ; ; ; (2024) Farmers’ participation in messenger-based social groups and its effects on performance in irrigated areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Agribusiness: An International Journal: .

; ; ; ; (2024) Resilience in technical efficiency and enabling factors: Insights from panel farm enterprise surveys in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Applied Economics: 1–23.

; ; (2023) Does zero tillage save or increase production costs? Evidence from smallholders in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 21 (1): .

; ; (2022) Investment traps and resilience to shocks: An experimental study of Central Asian collective water governance. Irrigation and Drainage 71 (S1): 110-123.

; (2021) Can self-sufficiency policy improve food security? An inter-temporal assessment of the wheat value-chain in Uzbekistan. Eurasian Geography and Economics 62 (1): 1-20.

; ; ; ; (2021) Ranchers or pastoralists? Farm size, specialisation and production strategy amongst cattle farmers in south-eastern Kazakhstan. Pastoralism 11: .

; ; (2019) Long- and short-term determinants of water user cooperation: Experimental evidence from Central Asia. World Development 113: 10-25.

; ; ; ; (2018) A coevolutionary perspective on the adoption of sustainable land use practices: The case of afforestation on degraded croplands in Uzbekistan. Journal of Rural Studies 59: 1-9.

; ; ; (2017) The Paradox of Water Management Projects in Central Asia: An Institutionalist Perspective. Water 9 (4): .

; ; ; (2017) The return of the regulator: Kazakhstan's cotton sector reforms since independence. Central Asian Survey 36 (4): 430-452.

; ; (2016) Water governance in Central Asia: A Luhmannian perspective. Society & Natural Resources 29 (7): 822-835.

; ; ; (2015) Cooperative agricultural production to exploit individual heterogeneity under a delivery target: The case of cotton in Uzbekistan. Agricultural Systems 141: 1-13.

; ; (2014) Rural areas in transition: an introduction. Landbauforschung : Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research 64 (3-4): 125-126.

; ; ; ; (2014) Rural development and the entwining of dependencies: Transition as evolving governance in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Futures 63: 75–85.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2013) Options and Constraints for Crop Diversification: A Case Study in Sustainable Agriculture in Uzbekistan. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37 (7): 788-811.

; ; (2013) Evaluation of effects of cotton policy changes on land and water use in Uzbekistan: Application of a bio-economic farm model at the level of a water users association. Agricultural Systems 118: 1-13.

; ; ; ; ; (2013) Impacts of innovative forestry land use on rural livelihood in a bimodal agricultural system in irrigated drylands. Land Use Policy 35: 95-106.

; ; ; (2013) Understanding contracts in evolving agro-economies: Fermers, dekhqans and networks in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Journal of Rural Studies 32: 137–147.

; ; (2013) Income-based projections of water footprint of food consumption in Uzbekistan. Global and Planetary Change 110 (Part A): 130-142.

; ; ; (2012) How attractive are short-term CDM forestations in arid regions? The case of irrigated croplands in Uzbekistan. Forest Policy and Economics 21: 108-117.

; ; (2012) From joint experimentation to laissez-faire: transdisciplinary innovation research for the institutional strengthening of a water users association in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 18 (4): 409-423.

; ; ; (2012) Farm restructuring and land consolidation in Uzbekistan: New farms with old barriers. Europe-Asia Studies 6 (64): 1101-1126.

; (2012) Spatial planning as policy integration: the need for an evolutionary perspective. Lessons from Uzbekistan. Land Use Policy 29 (1): 179-186.

; ; (2011) An agronomic, economic and behavioral analysis of N application to cotton and wheat in post-Soviet Uzbekistan. Agricultural Systems 104 (5): 411-418.

; ; ; ; (2009) Options for optimizing dairy feed rations with foliage of trees grown in the irrigated drylands of Central Asia. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 5 (5): 698-708.

Artikel (nicht referiert)

; ; (2023) Die Auswirkungen der EAEU-Mitgliedschaft auf den Handel Armeniens und Kirgisistans mit landwirtschaftlichen Produkten. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 29-38.

; ; (2023) The impact of EAEU membership on the agri-food trade of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. IAMO Annual 25: 27-35.

; (2022) Agrifood trade in Central Asia and the South Caucasus during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. FAO bulletin (9): 7-15.

; (2022) 2020 - das erste Jahr der COVID-19-Pandemie in Zentralasien und im Kaukasus: Staatliche Reaktionen und deren Folgen für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Gebiete. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 5-24.

; (2022) 2020 - The first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Government responses and the consequences for agriculture and rural areas. IAMO Annual 24: 5-22.

; ; (2022) Der Einsatz nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken und betriebliche Investitionen in Gebieten mit Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in Zentralasien im Vergleich: Daten aus Erhebungen bei Agrarbetrieben in Kasachstan und Usbekistan. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 73-83.

; ; (2022) Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and investments in productive assets in irrigated areas of Central Asia: Farm-survey evidence from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. IAMO Annual 24: 69-79.

; (2022) 30 years of farm restructuring and water management reforms in Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Water Research 8 (1): 49-56.

; ; (2020) Reformen des Baumwollsektors in Zentralasien. IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 49-58.

; ; (2020) Cotton sector reforms in Central Asia. IAMO Annual 22: 46-54.

; ; (2019) Weichenstellung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Landwirtschaftliche Kleinstbetriebe im Transformationsprozess. IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 11-18.

; (2017) Zwischen Staat und Markt: Strategien der Anbaudiversifizierung in der Landwirtschaft Zentralasiens. IAMO Jahreszahl 19: 33-43.

; ; (2015) Entwicklungshilfe 2.0: Die Sisyphusarbeit der Entwicklungshelfer. The European: .

; (2015) Entwicklungsprobleme in Zentralasien: Das Beispiel landwirtschaftlicher Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften. IAMO Jahreszahl 17: 69-77.

; ; ; ; (2014) Rural Areas in Transition: Services of General Interest, Entrepreneurship and Quality of Life IAMO Forum 2013. IAMO Jahreszahl 16: 105-112.

(2013) Book review: Ostrom, E., Lam, W.F., Pradhan, P. and G.P. Shivakoti (2011) Improving Irrigation in Asia: Sustainable Performance of an Innovative Intervention in Nepal. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar". Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 52 (1): 84-86.

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

; ; (2024) Agriculture and rural development reforms. In: Mirkasimov, B., Pomfret, R. (eds.) New Uzbekistan: The Third Renaissance, 112-134: Routledge.

; ; ; ; (2021) Obstacles to the revival of mobile grazing systems in Kazakhstan. In: Proceedings of the XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland Congress (Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods), : Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization.

; (2021) The determinants of farmer’s decision to adopt sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan. In: Development issues of innovative economy in the agricultural sector, International scientific-practical conference on March 25-26, 2021, 112-118: Tashkent State University of Economics.

; ; ; ; (2018) Barriers to sustainable land management in Greater Central Asia: With special reference to five former Soviet republics. In: Squires, V. R., Qi, L. (eds.): Sustainable Land Management in Greater Central Asia: An Integrated and Regional Perspective, : Routledge.

; ; (2018) Water in Greater Central Asia: A cross-cutting management issue. In: Squires, V. R., Qi, L. (eds.): Sustainable Land Management in Greater Central Asia: An Integrated and Regional Perspective, : Routledge.

; ; (2017) Future perspectives on regional and international food security: Emerging players in the region: Uzbekistan. In: Gomez y Paloma, S., Mary, S., Langrell, S., Ciaian, P. (eds.): The Eurasian Wheat Belt and Food Security. Global and Regional Aspects, 195-213: Springer.

; ; (2016) Emerging players in the Eurasian wheat belt region - Uzbekistan: Opportunities and challenges. In: Kühl, R., Aurbacher, J., Herrmann, R., Nuppenau, E.-A., Schmitz, M. (Hrsg.): Perspektiven für die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft nach der Liberalisierung (Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V., Bd. 51), 447-449: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

; (2015) Evolutionary governance, sustainability, and systems theory: The case of Central Asia. In: Beunen, R., Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (eds.): Evolutionary Governance Theory: Theory and Applications. Springer: Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 119-134: Springer.

; ; ; ; (2015) Revealing the role of agricultural contracts in rural livelihoods in Uzbekistan. In: Kimhi, A., Lerman, Z. (eds.): Agricultural Transition in Post-Soviet Europe and Central Asia after 25 years: International Workshop in honor of Professor Zvi Lerman. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Bd. 79, Halle (Saale), 141-158: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; (2014) Potential water price flexibility, tenure uncertainty and cotton restrictions on adoption of efficient irrigation technology in Uzbekistan. In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring Land Allocation, Water Use and Agricultural Value Chains: Technologies, Policies and Practices for the Lower Amudarya Region. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, Göttingen, 217-230: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

; (2014) Integrated decision support for sustainable and profitable land management in the lowlands of Central Asia. In: Mueller, L., Saparov, S., Lischeid, G. (eds.): Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia, 407-422: Springer.

; ; ; ; ; (2014) Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan through fragmentation to consolidation. In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring Land Allocation, Water Use and Agricultural Value Chains: Technologies, Policies and Practices for the Lower Amudarya Region. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, Göttingen, 33-44: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

; ; (2014) Food price fluctuations in Uzbekistan: Evidence from local markets in 2002-2010. In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring Land Allocation, Water Use and Agricultural Value Chains: Technologies, Policies and Practices for the Lower Amudarya Region. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, Göttingen, 275-294: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

; ; (2014) The role of institutions and water variability in food security in Uzbekistan: The case of rice markets in the Khorezm region. In: Bhaduri, A., Bogardi, J., Leentvaar, J, Marx, S. (eds.): The Global Water System in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Springer: Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 91-104: Springer.

IAMO Policy Briefs

; ; ; ; (2023) Farmers' social media groups for better extension and advisory services. IAMO Policy Brief No. 46, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2023) Фермерские группы в социальных сетях для повышения качества услуг по распространению знаний и консультаций. IAMO Policy Brief No. 46, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2021) Food policy measures in response to COVID-19 in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Taking stock after the first year of the pandemic. IAMO Policy Brief No. 43, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2021) Меры продовольственной политики в условиях COVID-19 в Центральной Азии и на Кавказе: Подведение итогов первого года пандемии. IAMO Policy Brief No. 43, Halle (Saale).

; (2019) Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan: What next? IAMO Policy Brief No. 36, Halle (Saale).

; (2019) Реструктуризация фермерских хозяйств в Узбекистане: Дальнейшие действия. IAMO Policy Brief No. 36, Halle (Saale).

; (2019) Ўзбекистонда фермер хўжаликлари реструктуризацияси: Истиқболдаги вазифалар. IAMO Policy Brief No. 36, Halle (Saale).

IAMO Discussion Paper

; ; ; ; (2023) Determinants and impact of farmers' participation in social media groups: Evidence from irrigated areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 201, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; (2022) Community, state and market: Understanding historical water governance evolution in Central Asia. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 200, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; (2022) The impact of COVID-19 on agrifood systems and rural areas in Central Asia and Caucasus countries: Final report of a study commissioned by FAO. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 198, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; ; (2018) Kazakhstan's cotton sector reforms since independence. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 172, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; ; (2017) The state of doctoral research in Uzbekistan: Results of a survey of doctoral students in agricultural economics. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 164, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
Download Abstract

; (2016) Obstacles to crop diversification and cotton harvest mechanisation: Farm survey evidence from two contrasting districts in Uzbekistan. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 153, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
Download Abstract

Weitere Publikationen

; ; (2025) Mechanizing cotton harvesting in Uzbekistan.

; ; (2025) Mechanizing cotton harvesting in Uzbekistan. CPRO Policy Brief, Tashkent.

; ; ; (2025) Enhancing agricultural resilience in Uzbekistan through farmers' decisionmaking autonomy. CPRO Policy Brief, Tashkent.

; ; ; (2025) Enhancing agricultural resilience in Uzbekistan through farmers' decisionmaking autonomy.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Potential of crop diversification to address the hidden costs of major crop value chains in Central Asia: Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2024. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Studies, Rome.

; (2024) Statistical data on farming structures, land use and agricultural output for provinces in five Central Asian countries 1992-2018. IAMO.

; ; ; ; (2023) Resilience in farm technical efficiency and enabling factors: Insights from panel farm enterprise surveys in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. IFPRI Discussion Paper, Washington, D.C..

; (Hg.) (2022) Special Issue: 30 years of farm restructuring and water management reforms in Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, Vol. 8, No. 1.

; (2020) Statistical data on farming structures, land use and agricultural output for provinces in five Central Asian countries 1992-2015 (Version: 1.0.0). SowiDataNet|datorium.

; ; (2020) Die Wiederbelebung der Nutztierhaltung in Zentralasien: eine Fünf-Länder-Analyse" (ANICANET) : Schlussbericht zum Forschungsprojekt.

; ; (2019) Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan : How did it go and what is next? World Bank Working Papers, Washington, D.C..

; ; (2019) Реструктуризация хозяйств в Узбекистане: Ее реализация и дальнейшие действия. World Bank Working Papers, Washington, D.C..

; ; (Hg.) (2014) Special Issue: Rural Areas in Transition. Landbauforschung : Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research, Vol. 64, No. 3.


; (2021) Adoption of mechanized cotton harvesting in Central Asia: Empirical evidence from South Kazakhstan. Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik, 20.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

; ; (2021) Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in irrigated areas of Central Asia: Empirical evidences from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik, 20.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

; (2019) Recent changes in Uzbekistan’s cotton procurement: Implications and reform agenda ahead. Atlanta, GA, USA, 04.01.2019 - 06.01.2019.

; ; (2018) Long- and short-term determinants of water user cooperation: Experimental evidence from Central Asia. Almaty, Kasachstan, 16.04.2018 - 18.04.2018.

; ; ; (2018) Estimating policy reform effects on agricultural output: The case of Samarkand Province, Uzbekistan. Almaty, Kasachstan, 16.04.2018 - 18.04.2018.

; ; (2017) Does endogenous cooperation work in a post-Socialist setting? Experimental evidence from irrigation management in Central Asia. Parma, Italien, 29.08.2017 - 01.09.2017.

; ; (2017) Impact of land and water reforms on agricultural output: The case of the Samarkand province, Uzbekistan. Parma, Italien, 29.08.2017 - 01.09.2017.

; ; (2015) Emerging players in the Eurasian wheat belt region – Uzbekistan: opportunities & challenges. Gießen, Deutschland, 23.09.2015 - 25.09.2015.

; (2015) Improving cotton production and crop diversification in Uzbekistan: Tradable cotton production targets. Mailand, Italien, 08.08.2015 - 14.08.2015.

; ; (2013) Analysis of food prices in Uzbekistan (2002-2010). Berlin, Deutschland, 25.09.2013 - 27.09.2013.

; (2012) CDM afforestation for managing water, energy and income security nexus in dry lands. Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien, 18.08.2012 - 24.08.2012.


; ; ; (2024) Food (in)security dynamics in Kyrgyzstan, 2013-2022. 10th Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference 2024, Bishkek, Kirgisistan.

(2024) Enhancing agricultural development through research institutions. The Silk Road of Knowledge: Science Meets Green Policy, Online, Kasachstan.

; ; ; (2024) The structured doctoral programme on Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia (SUSADICA): Findings and lessons learned. Final Symposium Central Asia / Caucasus programme of Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover, Deutschland.

(2024) Understanding farmers' cooperation in water management in Central Asia. Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture under Climate Change in Central Asia, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2024) Operational scale and land productivity in agriculture: Evidence from farm restructuring in Central Asia. IAMO Forum 2024 "The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2024) Participation in informal cooperation in water management and adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Empirical evidence from Uzbekistan. 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems", New Delhi, Indien.

; (2024) Does informal water cooperation result in greater sustainable agricultural practices adoption? Empirical evidence from Uzbekistan. Beyond Borders: Central Asia in the Face of Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and Migration Challenges, Taschkent, Usbekistan.

; ; (2023) Community, state, market: Understanding water governance evolution in Central Asia. 6th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference, Oxford, Großbritannien.

; ; (2023) Impact of regional economic integration on small economies: Agri-food trade of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. IAMO Forum 2023 "Trade, Geopolitics & Food Security", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2023) Impact of post-Soviet economic integration on small economies: Agri-food trade of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

(2023) Water users' cooperation as adaptation to water scarcity: Cases from irrigated areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. CAWAMNET Workshop - Central Asian Water Conflict and Migration Network, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2023) Policy implications of SUSADICA findings. SUSADICA final symposium, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2023) Studying farmers cooperation in water management: Role of social sciences in informing decision/policy makers. 6th Tashkent Water Security Lectures, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2023) German/Uzbek research cooperation in UzFarmBarometer project. InnoWeek-2023, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2023) UzFarmBarometer project aim, objectives and vision. UzFarmBarometer kick-off workshop, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; (2023) Research gaps and priorities to understand the climate-water-migration nexus in Central Asia. CAWAMNET workshop on Climate-Water-Migration Nexus in Central Asia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2022) Food policy measures and agriculture during the first year of the pandemic in Central Asia and the Caucasus. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2022) Institutional reforms for agricultural modernization. Workshop on Agriculture Development and Food Security in the CAREC Region, Istanbul, Türkei.

(2022) Cooperating with TIIAME economists. Cooperation towards Sustainable Agricultural Development, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; (2022) Farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in cotton-growing areas of Central Asia. DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2022) Farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in cotton-growing areas of Central Asia. Vorlesung: ZEF Public Lecture series, Bonn, Deutschland.

; ; (2022) Different but same? Enhancing farm resilience through sustainable agricultural practices and investments in productive assets among farmers in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2022) Does adoption of zero tillage save or intensify production costs? Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. 8th Annual 'Life in Kyrgyzstan' Conference, Bishkek, Kirgisistan.

; ; (2021) Central asian cotton sector: Implications and reform agenda ahead. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

(2020) Farmers’ Cooperation in Water Management in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. ZMO lecture series "Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality: A Debate Unfolding“, Berlin, Deutschland.

(2020) Motivation to the workshop. Workshop "Agricultural Innovations, Rural Development and Globalization Processes in Central Asia", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2020) Behavioral insights for agri policy design. Virtual Seminars on Applied Economics and Policy Analysis in Central Asia, Online, Deutschland.

(2020) Social norms and farmers’ cooperation in water management. Sustainable agricultural development and regional cooperation for inclusive growth in Central Asia, online, Usbekistan.

; (2020) Determinants of farmers’ cooperation in water management in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. 6th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference, Online, Deutschland.

; (2020) Adoption of cotton combine services in Kazakhstan: Insights from AGRICHANGE data. Workshop "Agricultural Innovations, Rural Development and Globalization Processes in Central Asia", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2020) Determinants of sustainable agricultural practices in Central Asia: Empirical evidence from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. 6th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference, Online, Deutschland.

(2019) Policy research and evidence-based policymaking. International Conference on Agricultural Transformation, Food Security and Nutrition in Central Asia, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2019) Establishing experimental economics lab in TIIAME. Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; (2019) Revisiting the story of mechanization of cotton harvesting in Central Asia: The case of Uzbek farmers. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2018) Long- and short-term determinants of water user cooperation: experimental evidence from Central Asia. Joint Conference GREThA-IDEA 2018 A World United: Alliance and Collective Action for an Ethical Development, Bordeaux, Frankreich.

; ; (2018) Long- and short-term determinants of water user cooperation: experimental evidence from Central Asia. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; ; (2018) Investment traps in collectives water governance. Academic Conference: "Social science knowledge and sustainable agricultural development along the Silk Road", Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2018) Agricultural innovations and development. Innovative academic research and teaching on water governance and agricultural development in Central Asia, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2018) Evolution of research topics and research networks on agricultural development in Central Asia. Academic Conference: "Social science knowledge and sustainable agricultural development along the Silk Road", Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; (2018) Perspective of wheat self-sufficiency policy: The case of post-Soviet Uzbekistan. Political Economy Approaches to Food Regimes, London, Großbritannien.

; (2018) Learning from change: Unexpected transformation processes in the Central Asian cotton areas. Between Europe and the Orient : A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus (Statuskonferenz Volkswagen), Almaty, Kasachstan.

; (2018) Is there an inverse farm size-productivity relationship in Central Asia? IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2018) Productivity effects of farm “optimisation” in Uzbekistan’s cotton sector: The case of Samarkand. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2016) Inter-farm interactions as flexibility for improving crop production: The case of cotton farmers in Uzbekistan. Central Asian Workshop “Persistence and Change of Institutions in Natural Resources Management in Central Asian context”, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2016) Agricultural Restructuring, Water Scarcity and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia: A Five-Country Study (AGRIWANET). IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", Almaty, Kasachstan.

; (2016) Overview of options for improving farm-level cotton production in Uzbekistan. IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", Almaty, Kasachstan.

; (2016) IAMO Research on Agricultural Development and Water in Central Asia. Workshop for the Future of Water Related Research Collaboration between the EU & Central Asia, Athens, Griechenland.

(2016) Evolution of research landscape in Central Asia & the role of (social) science. International conference on Cooperation on Environment and Sustaininable Development in Central Asia, Almaty, Kasachstan.

; (2016) Agricultural Restructuring, Water Scarcity and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia: A Five-Country Study (AGRIWANET). Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world — fair use of resources, Wien, Oesterreich.

(2016) eJournal on water resources in Central Asia: Why and in what form? Promoting e-journal on Integrated Water Resource Management of Central Asia, Almaty, Kasachstan.

; ; (2016) Transformation of agricultural value chains and collective action in irrigated areas. Samarkand Conference "Regional and International Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Recent Developments in Agricultural Trade", Samarkand, Usbekistan.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) Innovations for initiating sustainable land use along the Silk Road. IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", Almaty, Kasachstan.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) Innovations for initiating sustainable land use along the Silk Road. IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", Almaty, Kasachstan.

; ; ; (2016) Kazakhstan’s Cotton Sector Reforms since Independence. Samarkand Conference "Regional and International Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Recent Developments in Agricultural Trade", Samarkand, Usbekistan.

; ; ; (2015) Benefits of regional cooperation in water use to cope with water scarcity in the Aral Sea Basin (Central Asia). IAMO Forum 2015: Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2015) Climate change impact on irrigation benefits in the Aral Sea basin and adaptation strategies. IAMO Forum 2015: Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2015) Agriculture in Central Asia, structure & change. AGRIWANET Summer School, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2015) Sharecropping and tenancy arrangements between commercial farms and rural households in Uzbekistan. The First Uzbekistan Initiative Workshop, Washington DC, USA.

; (2015) Adoption of water-efficient technology: Role of water price flexibility, tenure uncertainty and production targets in Uzbekistan. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Agriculture in an interconnected world, Mailand, Italien.

(2015) Role of land reform in transition process: Central Asian experience. The Master's Programme "Transition Management", Giessen, Deutschland.

; ; (2015) Cooperation between cotton and wheat producers in using water in Uzbekistan: A game theoretical approach. IAMO Forum 2015: Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2014) Studies on land and water reforms and transition in Central Asia. ReCCA-Konferenz: "Regional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia: Agricultural Production and Trade", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2014) Food price fluctuations in Uzbekistan: Evidences from local markets in 2002-2010. 14th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies", Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; ; (2013) Contract and strategy in transitional rural economies: Farmers and networks in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Agricultural Transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former USSR after 20 Years, Rehovot, Israel.

; ; (2013) The role of institutions and water variability in food security in Uzbekistan: The case of rice markets. Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global Water System, Bonn, Deutschland.

(2013) Sharecropping and tenancy arrangements between commercial farms and rural households in Uzbekistan. Development and Security, Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2013) CDM afforestation for managing water, energy and income security nexus in drylands. UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference on “Economic Assessment of Desertification, Sustainable Land Management and Resilience of Arid, Semi-Arid and Dry Sub-Humid Areas”, Bonn, Deutschland.

(2013) Agricultural organization and the role of contractual structures in post-Soviet Uzbekistan. International Academic Conference on Agricultural Knowledge and Knowledge Systems in post-Soviet Societies, Bonn, Deutschland.