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Samuel Brea Martinez-Collado

Samuel Brea Martinez-Collado

Samuel Brea Martinez-Collado

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Weitere Publikationen

; ; ; (2022) The perception of market power in land transactions. AAEA.


; (2024) Markets without limits? Analyzing folk perceptions of contested markets. 3rd Annual Markets & Society Conference, Falls Church, VA, USA.

(2024) Folk perceptions on commodification. Ethics, Metaethics, Social & Political Philosophy, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

; (2024) Beyond repugnance: The perception of winners and losers of contested transactions. The PPE Society: Eighth Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

; ; ; ; ; (2023) Land markets, structural change, and market skepticism. 63. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. (GEWISOLA): "Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme und Landnutzungswandel", Göttingen, Deutschland.